Top 7 Online Marketing Trends 2021
The era of digitalization has numerous consequences for the marketing departments in companies. The highly functional and user-friendly website has long been mandatory. With well thought-out online marketing, the target group is reached via social media, search engine advertising and landing pages.
The industry is on the move. Those who do not act according to the motto "We have always done this" can take advantage of varied and attractive online marketing trends in 2021, from which a company can benefit sustainably. In Online Marketing 2021, it is in particular the new Page Experience Update from Google, Smart Bidding in Google Ads, data protection in cookie consent and video marketing, with which you can earn points from potential customers.
Google Page Experience Update coming in May 2021
Google has announced a Page Experience Update for May 2021. From then on, the Google Core Web Vitals become a ranking factor. Non-AMP pages can also appear in the top stories of mobile search. The Page Experience consists of several ranking factors, such as mobile optimization, Page Speed Update, HTTPS security, and avoiding disruptive interstitial, as well as refined metrics in terms of load time and ease of use.
These metrics are called Core Web Vital by Google. Google announced the update six months in advance as promised. Companies have the opportunity to prepare extensively for the update and to analyze and optimize their own website sufficiently. Already, all metrics for your own page speed can be viewed in the Google Search Console. Google also provides improvement hints that can be used as a basis for customizations.
Companies that don't offer their customers the best user experience will be penalized by the new update, resulting in a potentially good ranking. So it's time to take a closer look at your website.
Smart Bidding in Google Ads
Search engine advertising is nothing new. But one of the trends in online marketing for 2021 is the so-called smart bidding in Google Ads. It is a mix of methods that can be used to optimize users' click-through rates for your ads. Different strategies are used for this purpose, for example the improvement of conversion rates by adjusting bids and metrics such as "Return On Ad Spend" (ROAS) and "Cost per Action" (CPA). In addition, online marketing trends 2021 are dominated by optimizing the visibility of your listings online and the cost by click. Smart bidding as part of Lead Management 2021 also means: a plus of website access for you and your brand.
Marketing Automation - Economizing Lead Management in 2021
When marketing is associated with automation, it becomes efficient. That's why this connection is absolutely one of the online marketing trends 2021. In the context of marketing automation, the keyword AI - artificial intelligence - is also important. It serves to make marketing effective by using digitalization as a basis for this. Examples are the digital evaluation of big data for lead management that does not have scatter losses and that can both evaluate and use and even predict user behavior.
Video Marketing - score with moving images
Marketing with videos is basically nothing new, but it has a real revival as part of the online marketing trends for 2021. This applies in particular to video marketing in the B2B. The videos have a number of compelling benefits for businesses. Professionally created, they are suitable for a wide range of applications. They can be integrated into the website and in your social media presences and used online. And: Google, as the most important search engine in the world, rewards them with a particularly positive ranking with the added value for users and the associated length of stay.
"Those who do not act according to the motto 'We have always done this' can take advantage of varied and attractive online marketing trends in 2021 from which a company can benefit sustainably."
Short videos - the crisp way to advertise
Short videos are also part of the trend for online marketing in 2021. Classics in this context are short videos at TikTok or the Instagram Reels, which have been available in Germany since May 2020. The sharing rates of the Internet often result in pleasing multiplier effects for your business. Ideally, you create a short video that goes viral - the best prerequisite for optimal advertising effectiveness on the web. The crisp sequences are especially interesting for anyone who surfs the Internet with their smartphone. Short videos are also extremely strong in China. WeChat has launched its own service and is used intensively by users. This service is also heavily used by B2B companies, e.B. for live streaming of trade fairs, interviews or short videos from production.
Data protection in performance marketing
The industry has to deal with the constantly evolving legal situation on data protection. Which means that website operators have to deal with first-party tracking. In other words, the concentration of cookies collected through your own website and not provided through a third party. Not only is the legal situation changing, but the user's privacy awareness is also increasing. Therefore, it is essential to focus more on our own tracking in the future. This gives you better control over the data as well as the correct handling of users' privacy, which creates trust for your business. Small trickery in cookie consents can now be badin, as the verdict of the Rostock Regional Court shows.
Voice Search - Search engine optimization for voice search
Talking instead of typing - "conversations" with Siri and Alexa have demonstrated it: Digitization makes it possible to communicate by language in virtual space. Voice search is already ubiquitous and is used daily. This also applies to the search functions of Google and Co. - the typing of the keywords could soon be dispensed with. With Voice Search, which is likely to be one of the most important online marketing trends in 2021, it is much more convenient to research companies and services, products and services, promotions and offers. Based on well-maintained, structured data and machine learning processes in the search algorithm, Google can deliver accurate results. Websites should be optimized accordingly, information should be clearly displayed and the loading time should be short. The smart solution is popular - studies show that users often use their smartphone daily for voice search. Create the relevant digitalization for this in your company as well!