A Girl’s First Period—A Letter To My Daughters
Here is what every loving mother, auntie, and wise woman want their daughters and nieces to know.
Girls have a special bond and connection with the matriarchs of their family, their mothers, aunties, sisters, and grandmothers. It is a connection that begins in her youngest years, as she aspires to her impending womanhood, and evolves as she enters her preteen years as her body blossoms from girl to woman. As a young girl enters puberty and experiences her first period, the women she is closest to will celebrate her milestone and impart wisdom regarding her changing body. Here is what every loving mother, auntie, and wise woman want their daughters and nieces to know.
Your Period Is Something To Celebrate
Your period need not get in the way of your life. It is a normal and natural process and nothing to be embarrassed or worried about. It is a milestone that welcomes you into the sisterhood, which is a source of pride—not shame. You are not dirty or impure; you are unique and to be honored and treated with respect.
Yes, you will need to listen to your body and to your female mentors and role models to learn how to navigate your new monthly routine, to learn how to take a healthy and proactive approach to living a fulfilling life, regardless of what time of the month it is.
Allow the women who love you most the honor of celebrating this natural transition with you. Turn to us in times of joy, first love, heartache, and every milestone unique to women.
Your period is likely to start at the age of 11 or 12, but you will notice changes in the months and year prior. These changes are normal, and we are here to talk you through the hormonal and physical changes you experience. We remember what it was like; allow us the honor of helping you navigate your newfound femininity.
Taking A Natural Approach To Your Monthly Period
As a woman and mother, Hesta Organic founder, Aness Han, wanted to offer the young girls in her family a natural alternative to the toxic feminine care products so readily available. In addition, she wanted to design a feminine, fun, and beautiful line of products that young girls would get excited about. The result is the Hesta Organic line of 100% organic, washable pads and panty liners.
The Hesta Organic Period Starter Kit
Hesta Organic offers an elegant selection of organic pads and liners for women of all ages but recently launched a period starterkit, designed especially for young women. The snap-in-place cloth pads are hand embroidered gingham, designed to look like cute kittens and rabbits. The kit comes with a natural bar of gentle cleansing handmade soap and a matching waterproof cosmetics bag that discreetly slips in her locker, backpack, purse, or gym bag.
This period starter kit is the perfect gift for mom to daughter or any mature woman to blossoming women. It teaches young girls to pamper their bodies with healthy and luxurious feminine care products. And because it’s so cute, it’s less intimidating for young girls still embarrassed to talk about their changing body.
Hesta’s Period Kits Aren’t Just Pretty
Whether buying for a girl’s first period or for a woman whose had her period for years—Hesta’s natural feminine care products provide an environmentally-friendly, non-toxic, reusable, and odor-absorbing alternative to disposable period products.
Experience the Hesta difference now!