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Goodbye chia & kale: Meet the new superfoods in town

At one time few foods could rival chia seeds, spirulina and kale among superfoods. Today, many more foods have been added to the repertoire of power-packed foods. Check out the superfoods that our nutritionist recommends for 2020…

Goodbye chia & kale: Meet the new superfoods in town

Thursday February 06, 2020 , 5 min Read

A superfood is a nutrient-dense food that contains more nutrients in every ounce than any other food. I would also define superfoods as foods that are high in vitamins or minerals, low in sugar with a low glycemic index, rich in phytonutrients which are high in antioxidants and with anti-inflammatory properties. They have incredible health benefits and support you on the journey towards great health.

Superfoods also have specific qualities that act on specific challenges, making them worthy of their title. You are probably used to hearing the term superfood with spirulina and moringa, but not everyone can tolerate the taste or digest these foods.

Here are my superfood recommendations for the year ahead....

Superfood no 1: Pomegranate


The pomegranate is a superfood star

Pomegranate was once a luxury fruit, but its popularity waned a little, as it was so easily available. Today, however, it is a superfood star!

The juice of the pomegranate contains powerful antioxidants. It has phytonutrients called polyphenols which can keep your arteries supple, lower your blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, stop free radical damage, prevent ageing and reduce inflammation in joint related medical conditions like arthritis. It is a high-fibre fruit that has cleansing properties and can purge your body of toxins.

It has also been shown to increase beneficial bacteria in the gut microbiome, which strengthens your immune system and can protect you from cancer.

Superfood no 2: Turmeric Root


Turmeric is very popular in the west now

Turmeric is also a superfood star in the functional medicine world as it is loaded with phytonutrients. While it has been a key ingredient in Indian curries, there is a difference in using it fresh as a root. Its key ingredient which is curcumin becomes more bio-available in the presence of pepper. It combats oxidative stress and makes you look and feel younger.

Turmeric is now used to treat arthritis, neurological problems and cancer. Curcumin has medicinal properties that are on par with hydrocortisone or a steroid. It reduces the buildup of beta amyloid plaque in the brain associated with Alzheimer’s, and is important in the treatment of cancer.

If you get the fresh root, slice it long, add some lemon juice, pepper, ginger, honey and salt. Take a teaspoon with your meal and it will not only make your digestion robust but also make you feel full of energy!

Superfood no 3: Buckwheat

Buckwheat is next on the list of superfoods. Its first star quality is that it is gluten free and anti-inflammatory. It is not a grain, so it is wonderful for people who have inflammatory conditions and cannot tolerate grains. It has both soluble and insoluble fibre, so is immensely helpful for digestion and detoxification.


Buckwheat porridge is very nutritious and delicious

The gummy mucilaginous quality of buckwheat soothes the damaged mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract, allowing your gut to heal and your immune system to get stronger. Since it has high amounts of magnesium and manganese, your ability to metabolise carbohydrates is better improved, supporting better blood sugar balance and hormonal balance.

It also contains quercetin which is anti-inflammatory and helps your body to lower histamine, so that you can fight allergies. Try it as a flour to make bread or soak and mix into a salad or make yourself a porridge!

Superfood no 4: Free-range eggs


Free range eggs are good for health

Eggs are definitely a controversial food item but there is no doubt that they are superfoods. They contain protein, Vitamin D and antioxidants.

Though egg yolks are constantly vilified, I think this is unfairly so. In fact, it is the yolks that are nutrient dense and loaded with choline. Choline and B vitamins in egg yolks improve memory and mental performance. Egg yolks also contain lutein and zeaxanthin which are antioxidants that protect your eyes and prevent macular degeneration. Because they are rich in B vitamins, they support liver health.

Eating eggs through the month can be helpful to ovulation and premenstrual symptoms. Yet, the difference between farmed eggs and free-range eggs is simply too wide. Farmed eggs can wreak havoc on your liver, hormonal health and brain health. Make sure that your eggs are organic, fresh and free range!

Superfood no 5: Blue grapes


Blue grapes are as good as blueberries for health

The blue pigments in fruit contain powerful phytonutrients called anthocyanin. While blueberries are superfoods all over the world, closer home, look for blue grapes. Since it is believed that it is high in pesticides, try to find organic blue grapes or at least those that are free of pesticides.

This potent fruit is packed with a variety of antioxidants which can prevent breast and colon cancer. The seeds are high in resveratrol which has been linked to looking younger, having anti-ageing properties and being heart protective. They are also high in potassium and low in sodium, allowing you to restore electrolyte balance and eliminate toxins. They are wonderful for improved brain function, focus and clarity!

So, look for superfoods that are locally available and add them to your diet. They will transform the way you look, feel and enjoy life.