Why SMEs and startups should consider using AI in education?
AI in education has become a popular trend these days. Know how startups and SMEs can use AI in education to generate revenue.
With AI in education, the ways of imparting knowledge have evolved dramatically during the past two decades. In contemporary times, the most celebrated technology in the education field is AI. It is expected that the market value of AI in education will reach USD 2 billion by 2023.
With the onset of new technologies and constant advancements in them, innovative ways to teach have been paved in the education industry. The concept of the lecture has shifted to discussions and engagement of students. The traditional classroom learning has been modified with the help of these technologies.
Electronic resources are utilized to boost up the natural learning process. Moreover, it takes the learnings outside the classroom. With the help of the tools of AI in education, students can expand their knowledge wherever they want to. In a nutshell, artificial intelligence cut the boundaries of the classroom.
The educational organizations have started incorporating e-learning systems into their services. In fact, digital classrooms have gained tremendous support and upliftment. As a result of which, the e-learning market is enjoying constant increase.
As per the estimations of Statista, the size of the e-learning market is to reach 243.8 million U.S. dollar by 2022. The graphical representation of their findings is given below:

The flourishing market of this industry is clear evidence of the prospect of growth for the SMEs and startups. In order to explore these opportunities, a lot of companies have entered the market with their own research and development.
The ways through which businesses are ruling the market of education with their AI tools is commendable. As a smart businessperson, its time to move out of your comfort zone and develop an innovative way to mark your place in the education industry.
Are you wondering, from where you will get some expert assistance to utilize this business opportunity? Your concern is not different from others. For your help, there are a number of companies that are providing optimum education & e-learning software development services.
Do you know what are the areas which you can explore after integrating AI technology with your business goals? Here are the key ways with which AI is bringing changes to the education industry.
Role of AI in education

#1 AI in education: AI helps in providing smart content
The essence of education lies in the type of content you are using. Smart content has gained immense popularity these days. It includes video conferencing, lectures, digitalized textbooks and various other content supported with AI, machine learning and virtual reality.
This content is high in quality and its integration with technology allows it to move outside the classroom. These new interfaces are a great support for students irrespective of their ages and grades.
#2 AI in education: Better performance of teachers
During your school days, have you ever felt that teachers are not concentrating on you? Most of the average students face this problem. In spite of being a smart mind, they do not get the required care and attention.
This is an issue of the traditional education system which is almost resolved with AI tools. They do not replace the teachers but allow them to do their job better. It helps in teaching the pupils. The AI-powered apps ensure successful tutoring inside as well as outside the classroom.
#3 AI in education: Efficient functioning of the administration
AI can assist in every administrative function. Do you know that traffic jam details and maps are provided to you with the help of which technology? It is the AI and machine learning algorithms that make this unimaginable task possible today.
In a similar manner, in the education industry, AI simplifies almost every task. From allowing a seamless seating plan to ordering food from caterers during school functions, AI applications can be used for all.
There are various other benefits of AI technology for this industry. Moreover, there are many advantages which are still to be unveiled. You can take the initiative to bring something new or an advanced version of an existing AI tool in the education industry.
Before stepping into something, it is important to study the existing systems that have been a success in that industry. Its a major rule of doing business. Isn’t it? So, let’s explore the various AI tools that have been used in the education industry.
Popular AI tools used in the education industry

Dragon dictionary: Speech to text software
It is not only helpful for school education but this software can become a ladder in increasing the productivity of professionals. People can translate the images in their mind into text including e-mails or well-written essays.
It can be used in industries like legal, medicine, etc. Whatever you will say, will appear on the screen. Whatever you will say, your computer will obey without fail.
Lexplore: A rapid reading assessment tool
It uses eye-tracking and AI technology. The movement of pupils can be tracked with this software in only two minutes. The vast data is incorporated in this software with the help of machine learning and deep learning algorithms which can be efficiently developed by hired software developers.
This also helps in identifying students with reading difficulties which in turn, enables better development of such pupils. By including this in the learning regime of students, many schools have been able to enhance the reading potential of students.
Chromville: Art App

This allows students to bring the colored pictures to life. It makes them feel that uncolored characters will die. This can be an amazing way to make children remember stories as well as facts.
This adds great thrill in the learning process of students. Many such innovative apps have digitalized the printed textbooks and added value to the education system.
Final words:
There are many more such apps that have taken the education industry to the new level with the help of artificial intelligence technology. It has become a huge challenge for young and innovative entrepreneurs to contribute in an amazing new way to the education industry.
Are you excited to enter the education industry with an AI tool? You can contact a software development company to share your visions. They might give you an idea or convert your idea into reality.
It is only once when you get the right opportunity which you need to grab. Applying AI in the education industry is something which is prevailing in the contemporary market. If you have a new idea then you can share with everyone in the comment section below. Let’s help each other grow!