Tushar Ganeriwal of Rochak Tathya Uncovers the Secret of Facebook Pages
If you’re on Facebook, you might have followed atleast one Facebook page. It is highly possible that you might have also liked or shared one post of a Facebook page. But, have you ever wondered why these admins spend a lot of time and resources on these pages and what are their benefits? These questions will be covered in this article.
Facebook pages are one of the most valuable e-assets in 2019. Facebook pages are created in various niches and for various purposes. Companies like Coca-cola, Hyundai and Apple use it for branding and build their social presence. Celebrities like Virat Kohli, Shahrukh Khan and Sunil Chhetri use it to connect with their fans and also promote their work. Local businesses use it to connect with their customers and promote their business. And Admins like us who create meme, facts and pages in other niches does it to showcase what they’re expert in.
Many people with good sense of humour started meme pages and now has millions of followers. I was always interested in seeking knowledge and spreading it so I started a Fact Page Rochak Tathya which now has 2.6 million fans on Facebook and around 950,000 on Instagram. Says Tushar Ganeriwal
So How Does it Work?
The first ten thousand likes are the most difficult ones. You can start by inviting your friends to like it and you can also ask other admins to promote your work, in 2019 you can also run Facebook ads. Now comes the part which is the most important and also the most ignored one, “Content”. Content is the King, even if you have a huge team, huge money to invest but if you don’t have a good concept and content, you’re driving a car with accelerator and gear but no steering. If you have proper content and good concept, it is possible that you won’t get results sooner, but once people start engaging, there is no look back.
One needs to understand Facebook’s algorithm, Facebook keeps updating their algorithm frequently. It is very important to stay updated and work according to it. Till 2012, Facebook posts which was text-based was getting popular. From 2012 - 2018 end, Facebook promoted photos. And in 2019, Videos spreads like fire. If in 2019, a Facebook admin is not focusing on videos then he’s missing out a lot. Because the future on Facebook is videos. This is the reason I have started one more page dedicated only to videos, I named it “Rochak Tathya Videos” Says Tushar Ganeriwal.
Facebook has already introduced ad-breaks which is their advertisement platform where video creators can monetise their video content. The CPM (Cost per 1000 Ad impressions) varies on the content and audience’s demographics. Other ways to monetise is promote your own brand, branded content etc.
Admins who publishes memes, facts, B-town content usually does it to distribute the content, but with time, brands has started approaching them for promoting them. Brands have realised meme marketing is the next level marketing, people call it memevertising.