5 Success Tips by Suhail for Young and Aspiring Entrepreneurs

In the present generation, becoming a successful entrepreneur at a young age has become a rule. The abysmal job market is forcing the teens to think out-of-the-box when it comes to work, thus forcing them to do something on their own.
If you’re young and aspiring to become a successful businessman, you might be going through a perplexing situation where all types of thoughts would have made you numb. Trust me, seek advice from all and do what you think is right, chase your own dreams and follow the path that suits you best. Do what your heart says.
For being successful, learn from those who have started like laymen and are successful business tycoons today. Having an idol is a bliss in the life of an aspiring entrepreneur. If you are still looking for your personal business mentor, then you’ve come to the right place.
You don't want to work under anybody? Do you wish to be your own ‘boss’? Great thoughts!! However, the road to entrepreneurship is full of hindrances, dead ends and roadblocks. But, have faith in yourself and the journey will seem to be a bit easier.
The following are the tips by Suhail for young and aspiring entrepreneurs to be successful.
TAKE RISK: “If you are not willing to risk the usual, you will have to settle for the ordinary” - Jim Rohn. Unless you will actually do it, you’ll never know the outcome of your efforts. Every business, large or small, has to usually go through failure, but being an entrepreneur you would not regret trying. At the same time, be wise while making the decisions. No matter all your strategies are optimized, you never know what is waiting for you in the end. But this thought should not deter you from taking more risks. As the tagline of Mountain Dew says “Darr k aage jeet hain” - take risk, one day definitely success will be yours.
BELIEVE IN YOURSELF: Whether you succeed or not, it is dependent on one thing - believing in yourself. “Whether you think you can, or think you can’t, you’re right” - Henry Ford. Have faith in yourself that whatever you are doing, you’ll succeed and no obstacle can stop you from achieving the goals. If you really don’t believe that you’re capable of doing something great, you’ll never put in the best of your efforts. You’ll always be ready with excuses and the chances of achieving your goals will decline steadily. Self motivate yourself, recognize your ability to accomplish goals and deep down inside, tell yourself that you can do anything. Even Impossible says I’m possible.
MANAGE ENERGY, NOT TIME: I know many young aspiring entrepreneurs who could not succeed in the end. Can you figure out why? This is because they failed to manage their energy effectively as well as efficiently. Manage your energy wisely for it limits what you can do with your time. The secret formula for energy management is: Monday is the day to start fresh, Tuesday, try working with clients, the middle of the week focus upon myself, Thursday again should be full of consulting and mentoring, wrap up all on a good note on Friday. Know when your energy is at the peak, and create a similar plan for yourself.
DO WORK YOU’RE PASSIONATE ABOUT: When we are a kid, we all want to grow up fast, end academics and start with professional experience. Since childhood, many of us want to be the owner of some or the other business and this dream has what made many of us successful young entrepreneur. All in all, just chase your dreams and spend your days immersed in something you’re passionate about while making a living. Choose to be an entrepreneur where you can utilize your full potential and passion. Impress the outer world with some original work ideas, which helps you stand apart from the crowd and make you an influencer in the exponentially growing competition.
BE AN ENTHUSIASTIC LEARNER: Millennials should always be ready to listen, learn and fearless. A young aspiring entrepreneur should not only be passionate or have faith in what he or she does, instead should always be a learner. There is no age to learn and gain knowledge from anyone and anywhere. An enthusiastic learner knows how to handle different business situations amicably. They can drive new insights into the business that helps it grow exponentially. Be aware of what is going on in the outer world and inculcate those ideas in your business. Attend events and integrate the ideas shared there in your business which helps you stand out.