Skills to Check while Hiring Android App Developer in 2019
Smartphones are becoming a “must have” part of our life. We perform many activities with the help of smartphone applications. In today’s competitive and technologically advanced world, if you are running a business, you need a mobile application irrespective of what vertical your business falls in. And, when it comes to developing a mobile app, you cannot miss the popular Android platform that functions over 4000 different Android devices and used by 400+ Android device manufacturers. Entrepreneurs are spending lots of time to research how to find the best Android development services in their town and fortunately, there is no shortage of it. If you are planning to Hire Android App Developer in India, endure in mind the following tips to ensure you choose the right one for your business.

Knowledge of Kotlin Android
As per Kotlin is the latest programming language for Android, an Android developer must have sufficient knowledge of Kotlin. Kotlin is a great fit for developing Android Apps, carrying all of the benefits of a modern language to the Android platform without introducing any new restrictions. Kotlin is totally interoperable with Java, allowing us to use all existing Android libraries in a Kotlin application.
Android Experts having Java knowledge
An Android developer must have expertise in Java. Java is the root of Android. In the real world, you’ll find many equal objects of the same kind. Java is importantly an object-oriented language. An proficient must have knowledge of programming syntax and structure. The Android App developer must aware of concepts like variables, control structures, and OOP concepts like inheritance and polymorphism.
Expertise in SQL
The database for Android which is used to store user data and application is the SQL. So while you Hire Android App Developers, you should check his/her understanding of SQL database engine. To be an all-around Android application developer, one must be adept with triggers, indices, multiple tables, and views that are contained in a single disk file.
Sufficient knowledge of SDK (Software Development Kit)
The developers of Android must be good at the Android Software Development Kit. To compile and build an Android application, the developers use Android SDK. Android Studio on the other hand, is the GUI tool for “consuming” Android SDK. The developers should be well knowledgeable with the concepts like user input, a basic understanding of views and layouts, action bar, storing data, accommodating different screen sizes, getting data from the web, densities and various activities and their life cycle. According to the documentation of Android, the developers should also possess sufficient knowledge.
Working In Android Studio
The Android Studio combined development environment which draws together all the tools needed to write your Android Application with the functions you require to use for test and debug it. Android Studio has a user interface that permits you to drag and drop various UI items into place on the activity, or if you prefer you can add the items straight in the code. You can take advantage of Android Studio features. It offers to help you with making a bug-free code.
UI Layout Using XML
To create an enduring effect on the applications simple coding will not be of much help. XML will help you to do efficient coding to give a good feel and look. To code data for Android mobile applications, XML is a quality way. Through XML, layouts can be created that can act as a foundational User Interface definition for Android mobile applications. The developers can understand according to their own way through XML.
There are so many developers looking for jobs in the market. But It's up to you to test their skills as per your project requirements. Here we mentioned all necessary points to look while Hiring Android App Developer in India. You must check that the person you hire has the proper knowledge of the latest technology or not. Because nowadays all want to develop the app with most trending tools and technology. We hope you like it!!