Productive Procrastination Worth Knowing
Productive Procrastination
Procrastination is one of the best habits which must be attempted by all of us for gaining continuous success in our lives. The word ‘Procrastination’ cannot at all be compared with lazy as everyone among us needs a form of leisure timings to regain the potential for completing the works under the deadlines.

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Most of the freelancers who work and earn their living from home along with several other offices going persons as well require procrastination kind of self-potential building habits to work with more dedication and complete exposure.
The term procrastination can also be understood with this simple example, suppose any specific office employee has been allotted a report to complete within 10 days and if the employee takes only 4 days to complete the well prepared and detailed report, then the rest of the targeted days will be wasted meaninglessly.
Therefore, the time spent reworking phenomenon can be prevented effectively using productive and positive procrastination based activities. Anyone in this world cannot ignore or run away from his work, yet the individuals can get themselves engaged merely for a few minutes for mind relaxations.
It is therefore suggested to utilize that specific spare time doing something productive and positive which can ultimately be termed as Productive Procrastination.
The following list of bullet points explains the best ways for productive and positive procrastination for a living a successful life ahead:-
- Pointing out the purpose of waiting: The purpose of waiting and getting the mind diverted from the work must be figured out instantly. It must be understood that either the nature of work does not fit in or the work culture is not at all supportive of the individual. Few questions need to be asked by the individuals themselves such as the risk of failure from the future, unfavorable working conditions, unmatched passion and ability towards the work, etc to name a few. The persons once get answers to all these difficult questions will then be able to perform his level best towards the best works completion without any further delay.
- Never be guilty towards the work: It is a bad habit to always put a pointed arrow of guilt towards the work culture based criteria. Persons must not at all be guilty towards the work for which the involvement is continuously being carried out. Even the inabilities and unawareness about the allotted work must not be permitted to rise over us as such feelings will take the individuals inside the dark depth of inferiority and depression leading to work failures.
- Think about solving up a small problem as well: It does not matter whether the work allotted is bigger for any skilled individual and how much of time will be taken by the specialists to complete that work. In between, it is yet essential to concentrate on solving up of small problems as well such as instant sending up of the mails or typing a little stuff, etc to make the mind feel satisfied with the completed work.
- Searching for a best and supported accountability partner: Any of the individual working for any organization, companies or enterprise cannot complete the allotted tasks without the support of any teammate or someone to whom one can easily share the goals and targets along with problems as well. Discussing the boss or any particular colleague does not at all means, however, it is advisable to discuss the problems, solutions as well as business goals and work culture to someone special for whom the essential searching activity must be done by the individuals.
- Understanding the meaning of the last minute: Any specific individual must not be involved under a work where the last minute of completion means. Suppose the work can be completed without any special attention and even with poor outputs and one is waiting till the last minute only to get it completed despite awakening entire night for the same, it is understood that only the last minute mattered the most for the concerned person so that it can be completed anyhow and submitted to the concerned authorities. However, such works are not advisable to do for the persons as they are simply the mediums of unnecessary time wastage.
- Writing a personal letter or even the e-mail during the time: It is advised to get in touch with someone whose care matters the most for the individuals. The time which was going to be wasted can now be utilized effectively providing the mind a feeling of relaxation and best potential opportunities. Under the discussion, work culture related gossips can also be done and there would also be a possibility to gain the best suggestions from the other end which can prove beneficial for the good sake of the concerned person.
- Try to learn something productive: There exist a lot of subjects including headings and topics as well whose knowledge for the individuals can lead him towards the zenith of success. Special online courses can also be chosen by the employees as per their specifications and expertise to make their career graph proceed towards the best levels. The spare time after the completion of works to the submission of works can thus be utilized effectively to learn such kinds of stuff and prove much better in the work fields providing unexpected and successful outputs.
- Sharing up of the productive ideas for the company’s profit: Company owners and CEOs are always looking for some product ideas which can be beneficial for the good sake of the company. Regarding the issue, they cannot advertise something or some special positions, yet they look for such ideas from their company’s employees only. Spare time can be utilized by sending such ideas via e-mails as well as mobile SMS or calls as well to get them aware of the big success of the company hiding behind such a great idea. This kind of activity will put up a positive employee’s reputation in front of the eyes of the company and there will also be a standing possibility for some special reward in the sense of salary hike or any special surprise package from the company’s end.