What Are the Popular Techniques to Gamify a Mobile App Effectively
Popular Techniques for Gamifying Mobile Apps
To enable your users for doing something new or challenging you need to motivate them. This can be done easily If they are engaged with your mobile apps or are even part of the ecosystem. Gamification is one such technique which is not effective for disengaged users and hence cannot bring them back as they are not used to it. Incentivizing users with collectibles or points can be an encouraging factor but cannot be made applicable for those who are not engaged in using trending technologies. There can be different strategies for incentivization but the most common one is leader boards, badges or reward points. But before integrating this dynamics into your mobile app you have to be definite about your objectives and should also know how it will get connected with your users. Without working on these aspects your gamification techniques will not fetch you the desired responses.
To make the best use of your gamification apps you need to address the following:
Create Objectives : Consider the case of marketing your apps. What do you do? You create goals and objectives before you begin. This same thing is applicable for gamification also. You need to identify your outcomes by implementing the desired techniques with respect to gamification. For example you increase your retention level or enhance the customer engagement and can even wish to build a viral loop. Don't go for gamification just because it is a trend now. Based on the nature and scope of your business you need to chalk out a detailed plan so that the target users can be compelled to experience their desired services.
For instance you can train your employee to be competitive enough by introducing training programs equipped with gamification features. This will help them to pick up new skills and apply those in your business process to gain a competitive advantages.
Add Value : Value addition is an important aspect imparted via gamification. By applying suitable techniques you need to make people believe that they have achieved something special or difficult. In other word, they should believe that they have learnt something really worthy to bring in distinctive changes in their work process. Gamification in business have become a global trend now as companies always look for new ways to make their brands unique in terms of output and continuous up gradation.
For example gamification can help you to identify the changes in the buying behavior. As a result, you can improve your offerings to meet the testes and preferences of your existing customers. This can act as a word of mouth publicity in enhancing your customer base resulting in improved visibility for your brand.
![Gamification Techniques](https://images.yourstory.com/cs/1/0aefe220578911e99166797d241493d0/6-Techniques-to-Effectively-Gamify-a-Mobile-App-2-1594292459762.jpg?fm=png&auto=format&w=800)
Ingraining In The Ecosystem : Leader board and reward are not compatible with all types of applications. Considering the objectives you need to chalk out what will be best suitable for your apps. In order to deliver a seamless experience you have to create techniques that can get along with the ecosystem.
Based on the behavior of the current users and the types of app you can gamify those aspect that are responsible for behavior modification, customer loyalty, engagement, user acquisition etc.
Simplicity : There are many apps that have good offering but when they start to gamify the experience gets complicated. Although developers can find gamification process a bit challenging because of too many back end tasks but the end users find it exciting for many reasons. Simple functions and features will make your gamification techniques more engaging for the users. Based on the users scores or levels features can be unlocked to generate more interest.
Create Sharing Loops : To enable users share their scores or achievements on their social networking sites you can build loops in your implementation. This is because in order to make the best use of your gamification techniques you have to enable your users flaunt their achievements. In the process It will help your business gain more customers across the globe.
Quick Rewards : It is quite obvious that a huge reward at the end will definitely drive users to remain engaged for long. But to make it more interesting you can split the reward into parts which can be rewarded on completing certain small milestones. In this way your users will feel motivated to achieve more which can inspire them to remain attracted.
An established app development company with gamification expertise can be consulted of you wish to make your business process distinctive. To stay ahead in the current competition your gamification features need to be immersive so that the end users can learn something measurable.