Machine learning expert fitting into the shoes of a mentor
From a very early point of my data science career, I was determined to start an adventure into the exploration of data analytics, machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, and AI. My adventure is still on. While working in esteemed companies, I had the chance to move to places like London and Australia. For 20 long years, I have been gaining experience in this field. I wrote numerous research papers and articles during this period. Thankfully, many of these were published by big publishing houses such as Data Science Central, Towards Data Science, Media 7, Hackernoon, Kdnuggets, AI Times Journal, and Data-Driven Investor. A fair share of the scientists and research community read these papers and articles and conveyed their admiration.
I always wanted to share my knowledge with society. I like to keep working on new methods that can benefit the healthcare or education sector. Hospitals are being flooded with visitors during this pandemic. Due to this, it has become impossible to keep track of patients. But with my new chalked out idea, I hope I can make a one-stop solution for this problem.
My work suggests the application of simulation in the healthcare sector. The healthcare sector needs special attention in these recent times. With the rising disparity in numbers between hospital capacity and patient demand, my technique would be able to reduce the waiting time of patients and the demand of patients can be matched with hospital capacity.
I believe everyone should be aware of the importance of NLP in the healthcare domain. NLP can be used to improve the healthcare industry in numerous ways. NLP techniques can be used to capture unstructured data, analyze the grammatical structure, and summarize the information after determining it. Hence, NLP methods can extract the information for in-depth analytics while reducing cost at the same time.
The healthcare center and the urgency of the condition can be ascertained by using NLP and guiding the patient accordingly. It will minimize waiting times and reduce the pressure on medical practitioners.
Pharmaceutical companies take several months to gather information for writing a report for FDA review. But the use of NLP can reduce this time to more than half because they optimize the pharma process. NLP will make medicines affordable to a larger number of people. Not only these but NLP can also be used for summarizing length blocks of narrative text into short phrases such as a clinical note or academic journal article, by identifying key concepts or phrases present in the source material.
Data elements present in unstructured text to structured fields in an electronic health record to improve clinical data integrity, answering unique free-text queries that require the synthesis of multiple data sources, optical character recognition to turn images like PDF documents or scans of care summaries and imaging reports into text files that can be parsed and analyzed and conducting speech recognition to dictate clinical notes. I am delighted to have come up with this innovation. It gives me satisfaction to render myself useful for society.
Cases of speech recognition, clinical documentation improvement, data mining research, computer-assisted coding, and automated registry reporting have already been proven on giving sufficient return on investment. Those which are in line to prove their successful cases are clinical trial matching, prior authorization, clinical decision support, risk adjustment, and hierarchical condition categories. Ambient virtual scribe, computational phenotyping, biomarker discovery, and population surveillance are the upcoming NLP healthcare use cases that can be practiced by the next generation in a full proof manner. This long and extended research on NLP is a landmark of my career. Once in a while, I like to pat myself for being consistent throughout.
My higher interests are in educating, assisting, and inspiring more people to join the data science field. It is quite beaming and useful in today’s world. People save a lot of time and life becomes easier. This is why I frequently visit conferences as a speaker. I give speeches and present my papers to the public. I was recently a speaker at the recent conference of AI-MEN 2020 ONLINE on Demand and Capacity Modelling in Healthcare. This paper suggests methods that can make use of the full capacity of hospitals during the Covid 19 pandemic.
For several years I have been mentoring young people. I give them career advice and prepares them for interviews in their spare time. I am a part of the Mentoring Club and Revive. Since I am working and researching for more than a decade now, I decided to provide free sessions to young students who are data, science enthusiasts. I feel elated when they approach me with their problems and thank me for giving insightful suggestions. It is a small effort from my side to bring trapped and confused people on the right track. I build their communication skills and professional network while inspiring them to adopt new ways of thinking. I attempt to instill in them leadership skills so that their confidence gets a boost up. Any effort that takes the next generation forward gives me positive energy.
At the professional level, I am also an Expert Advisor at one of the transaction behavioral intelligence company that accelerates business growth for banks by using AI and machine learning-enabled products. I help them build AI Products. The company experiences financial development and better staff management.
I started writing a book in 2018 and completed it in 2020. It got published recently in November 2020. The book is called “Machine Learning for Finance”. It is my privilege to announce that BPB publications, which is Asia’s largest book marketing company published this book. It is available online through many well-known websites. The machine learning community widely appreciated the book. I hope every data science enthusiast finds it useful at some point in their careers.
Such small steps help me experience personal growth on a different level. I strongly believe that the taste of success is sweet and hence rut should be shared with everyone. I want to keep inspiring, guiding, and advising young minds in need.
That is why I chose the platform of Udemy to give my teaching abilities a shot. I introduced two new courses- "Complete Outlier Detection Algorithms A-Z: In Data Science” and “Data Analysis for Business and Business” on Udemy. As long as my students enjoy the lessons, I will continue to provide them with the same.
After doing office jobs for such a long time, I wish to explore my entrepreneurial skills. For that, I need to build more spirit and enthusiasm. Is needless to say, every follower, colleague, student, and teacher in my life has helped me reach this place of happiness. Even when I receive dejection and move one step back, their unconditional support takes me two steps ahead. My day is made when I get their wonderful reviews, suggestions, and feedback.
As long as I am alive, I wish to keep working in this industry. I can see the future, where data science will be applicable in every sector and make our world a better place to live.