5 Lessons Every Millennial Should Learn from Dr Jitendra Yadav

The millennial generation popularly known as Generation Y can be referred to as the demographic cohort following Generation X. Those born between 1981 and 1996 whose ages are now between 24 to 39years are given the tag of “Millennial”.
On one hand, these millennials are considered to be the most diverse, connected, educated, tolerant and idealist generation ever. While, on the other hand, they are considered to be lazy, coddled, entitled, narcissistic, disconnected and distrustful. Each of these cliches, with their own pros and cons - have been around for quite a while. So have millennials themselves. They are no more kids, they are now all grown up.
As a millennial, one gets a chance to communicate and engage with different leaders, millennials and professionals. Every time you meet them, you get to learn something new, which you or others can improve on. For being a successful millennial, learn from those who have started like laymen and are successful millennials today. However, the road to being a millionaire is full of dead ends, hindrances, and roadblocks. Just have faith in yourself and the journey will become a bit smooth.
The following article by Dr. Jitendra Yadav lists down 5 lessons every millennial should know:
- Read More Books & Less Social Media - Social media drains you mentally as well your phone’s battery. People generally post what they want people to see which is not the true reflection of their life. Getting likes on the newly posted vacation photos just produce a small surge and add no value to your long term goals. If you spend more than 2 hours in a day browsing social media, you are doing nothing but simply wasting your time. Millennials spend their time being more creative, innovative and passionate which comes from reading a book dedicatedly. All the keys to your success lie in the past experience of the millennials.
- Be A Gender Role Bender - Both at home and work, gender roles are converging. The millennials support this revolution of gender equality both at home and work. The present-day young women are similar to young men. They feel a sense of purpose in life, they want to make things better than expected. At the same time place importance on marriage, children, and making the world a better place to live in. Overall, millennial women are adapting to work, family, and educational demands better than their male counterparts, many of whom are still struggling to find their ultimate goal in life. Gender equality bridges the gap in all ways.
- Size & Quality Of Your Network Matters - The present-day generation forms the community of like-minded individuals who are dream chasers and paving their own paths. Many aspiring millennials or successful millennials do not understand the value of networking. The secret formula to being successful in business is who you know more than what you know. Often we come across individuals who got success in getting a job or signing a contract with a client is due to networking or due to source. Making connections is very tedious in the business world. Staying connected with people, investing time and efforts to maintain those relationships is what is most vital.
- Be The Best At What You Do - Millennials are known for their interest and passion instead of their careers. Millennials should aim to be the best at what they love to do. An aspiring millennial should run behind their dreams and spend their days engrossed in looking for the ways to achieve their goal thus making a living. Ensure the field you choose, you can make full use of your potential and passion. Create a reputation in the outside world with your original creatives which makes you an influencer in the exponentially growing competition. This will make you a game-changer to influence others to turn their hobbies into accomplishments.
- Algorithms Should Be Your Friend - Despite social distrust, the millennials are the generation behind Uber and PayTm who are willing to engage with strangers in unregulated commercial transactions. But how?? They are the masters of a digital marketplace where both buyer and sellers get a rating. They might not trust organization, bosses or brands but they know they have an outside world which will reward them based on their performance. People have started sharing too much of their private information online which is not good at times but if seen positively the present generation is the prime offender. When you share a lot of information online, the lives of your customer becomes efficient.