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All You Need To Know About WordPress 5.3 - New Features Of It

WordPress 5.3 was officially released on 12th November 2019 and now available for download. We will have a look at what’s new in WordPress 5.3 in our today’s article.

All You Need To Know About WordPress 5.3 - New Features Of It

Monday November 25, 2019 , 4 min Read


WordPress 5.3 was officially released on 12th November 2019 and now available for download. We will have a look at what’s new in WordPress 5.3 in our today’s article.

The Gutenberg plugin has been merged into the core from 5.4 to 6.6 which means a huge number of features and beautifications for both developers and users are an important boost in performance.

Have A Look On New WordPress 5.3 Features

What’s New With The Block Editor:

As it is launched first, the block editor has been improved on a regular basis and all the thanks go to the commitment of contributors from all around the world.

With 5.3, thirteen releases of the plugin that merged into core all at once. While using the Gutenberg plugin you will find a lot of enhancements and new features in the Block Editor with the release of WordPress 5.3.

With different versions of the Gutenberg plugin, some benchmark performance compares for a huge post and overall performance improvements have also been reported. As you use you will understand some of the general improvements in the editor’s performance.

1. In The Editing Experience - Some Improvements:

Some Improvements

With the Gutenberg plugin, users will find a brand new block: the Group block. The purpose of Group block is an all-purpose container for other blocks that allows creating advanced block templates to be included in any page of your WordPress website.

This new Group block supports wide alignments and background colors, giving WordPress users plenty of freedom when creating content.

2. Some of the top improvements in Block Editor: 

These top improvements have a great impact on the way you are using the editor.

1. Block Appender:

Block Appender

On an empty state, the group and columns blocks show a block appender. This appender is nothing but just a grey area with a plus sign inside that makes the UI more clear and improves the usability of a block.

2. Grouping Blocks by Group interaction:

Group interaction

Group interaction can now create group blocks which means can select multiple blocks and group them all with a few clicks only, the need is to add all the blocks that require for selection then click on Group in the ellipsis menu. 

3. Custom width Columns:

Now, the Columns block supports a sliding control in block settings that allows setting a custom width for each column.

4. A Layout Picker for Columns Blocks:

The layout picker is the new additional improvement to the columns block in WordPress 5.3. Added to the editor with Gutenberg 6.0. This feature allows selecting from a number of predefined patterns or default patterns, speeding up a bit the editing process and making the block easier to use for technoid users.

We can find examples of block patterns in the table and cover blocks, apart from the Columns block. To get into detail you can go through Block Patterns API on GitHub.

5. Table Block Improvements:

Table Block Improvements

Table block now supports text alignments in columns, table header, footer, and background colors.  

3. Improved Image Uploads:

Improved Image Uploads

Before in WordPress images need to be saved but Wordpress 5.3 has addressed this issue and now it will automatically save the image creation process and allows to resume uploads without breaking anything.

The image rotation issue is also fixed using the EXIF metadata which is something added by phone, camera or original image. Not just this even large size images can be now used in WordPress posts and pages.

4. Improved Site Health Reports:

Site health score feature with Wordpress 5.1 has been introduced by WordPress that helps the website owner to improve their website’s WordPress speed, performance and address common WordPress security issues.

With improved site health reports users can view status messages like ‘Good’ and ‘Should be improved’.

5. PassWord Button On Logic Screen: 

Now, WordPress 5.3 adds a show password button on the WordPress login screen. These make it a handy tool and easier to type complex passwords or to view as the password entered is correct or not.

6. WordPress Admin Email Address Verification:

Email Address Verification

This is important as WordPress sends password reset and other notifications emails to the address and in the previous version WordPress allows to simply change the admin email address from setting - general page.

With WordPress 5.3, it is mandatory to verify the new email address to ensure that the user does not miss any future emails.

7. Under The Hood Changes:

Hire WordPress Developer

A better way to discourage search engines from indexing a website when you check the option ‘Discourage search engines from indexing this website’ option.

WordPress 5.3 brings a number of features and improvements targeted towards developers like better handling of date and timezone functionalities that allows developers to use them more efficiently.

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