Indian man has made the international headline in UNESCO
“It takes many years to build a reputation and a few minutes of cyber-incident to ruin it”
The dream of digital India, wherein cyber security becomes an essential part of national security. Cyber-security is extremely important when practically implementing cashless India ideology.
It's as important as an army at the border to protect the digital assets, network, programs, data from the hackers.
As per the data of Forbes, global Cyber-Security market is expected to reach 170 billion by 2020.
The main purpose of cybersecurity is shielding information as well as the system from major cyber threats. These cyber threats are in the form of application attacks, malware, Ransomware, phishing etc.
- What does Cyber Security Specialist say?
Khushhal Kaushik has been working actively for Indian Police to help them protect the important database from the hackers since last 7 years after working for various agencies nationally and internationally, his ultimate goals is to give powerful cyber-security.
According to Mr. Kaushik, we need to make sure that we are at least aware of someone of the most common cyber-attacks by keeping some important points in our mind. These points are mentioned below in detail.
- You need a strong password, which you can remember it.
We always take a strong key to lock our house. Likewise, you need a strong password for all your online accounts. Staying safe from the cybercrime starts with a strong password.
As per the report of Verizon, 63% of the data breaches due to the weak or stolen password.
It's a new era! Digital work has been changed now, the traditional strong password was (qr13SSFtnYuJ)
Hence the rule of tumble is to pick the password similar to the example, SmallRabbits=777
Promptly the question, what's the recipe to create such type of password? you simply need to mix below-mentioned point to make your password difficult to break them by using cracking software.
You just need to have 12 characters in your password, it's enough length to make a strong password to make cracking process long enough to make it unbreakable.
Now you need to mix number, alphabets, and symbol in your password. It will make your password to harder to guess. Never use Dictionary words and Obvious Substitutions.
Important points you need to make sure are: Change your password regularly, log out the websites and devices once your work is finished.
- How to do safe Online Shopping?
eCommerce sales worldwide rose to over $600 billion in 2011.
Do you shop online? Yes, everyone loves to shop online due to transparency and affordable price. Take care of websites you are shopping at, make sure the online shopping website has a Trusted seal. Spend some time to check if the website wants to shop has these seals.
Key points of a website to be checked before you shop online
- The absence of a privacy policy.
- The absence of HTTPS.
- Various grammatical mistakes.
- Strange listing of currency like 50$ Vs $50.
- URLs with hyphens as well as symbols.
- If you find any suspicious activity leave that website immediately.
- Stop Installing Software Cracks
I highly recommend you to use “garbles” software it makes your computer protected from hackers, who use crack software to misuse your computer data.
GDPR is another reason for using an encrypted server. Always use make the encrypted server for saving your personal and professional information. This is a great way to protect against hackers gaining access to your personal and sensitive data.
- You Must Use Unique Password
It's one of the most common advice that ethical hackers and cybersecurity experts giving since decards that using a unique password, you safe each and every account you are having online.
- Stop giving chance to spammers
Make sure your email ids are not public, stop subscribing to non trusted website. It's our duty to mark spam to email that isn't relevant to you. It will help email service providers to block them completely from their network.
- Always use Anti-virus on your computer
There is service anti-virus software in the market, but they all aren't updated with the current trending virus. Therefore, we strongly recommend you to pick antivirus, which is extremely active in the industry and having a dedicated team to work on the latest virus.
- Use updated software only
The latest software is the best option, as they are always prepared to protect your information from new hacking treaters and exploits.
- Don't use Public Wi-Fi
Just because it's free doesn't mean, it's secure enough. If anyone can use such public wi-fi then it's not secure for sure and that's the major indication for hackers to misuse it.
- Limit online sharing
Cybercriminals can easily learn the details your life by what and how much you share on social media. They can guess your passwords, be knowing your important dates, family and pet names in them. They know which websites and apps you are using. To get best results, limit your sharing, set your social media profiles to private so that your friends can see your post.
- Be careful what you are downloading
These days a common scam scares you to download an app via a pop-up that means something is wrong with your computer. To prevent from a cybercrime remember, don’t download anything you don’t trust. Pay close attention to a program or app you install. Sometimes these include extra apps that can compromise your device.
- Keep a regular eye on your account
You can limit the damage by keeping a regular watch on your accounts. Although you can protect your account, the sites you are using may experience a breach. Check your credit card and bank statements on regular basis. If you find anything strange or suspicious contact the concerned authority immediately.
- Never provide details than necessary
Some websites ask about your personal detail like your history or just for marketing purpose. But you don’t know what the website will do with that information. Simply if you don’t think that website need certain information to skip it. Only provide the details which are necessary and you feel comfortable in providing the same.
Cybercrime affects anyone, no one is safe. By following the above points you can skip the risk of cybercrime. Take a backup of your computer on a daily or weekly basis and that backup must be separate from your computer. If your data end up encrypted you can just restore that backup and do your work.