6 Important Trends in Waste Management and Recycling
In today's world, waste management and recycling is important for environment and human community's protection. Hence, the focus has increased on waste management practices such as minimum waste generation, waste sorting, waste recycling, etc. along with technological advances in this field.
Almost all the business leaders shall agree to the fact that today environment protection is one of the burning challenges for their businesses. In today’s time, they have pressures to minimize the carbon footprint and other environmental effects caused by their businesses – Waste management and disposal is one of the most important issues for them.
In today’s world, waste management and disposal is a big challenge not only for the industries, but also for the communities in general. It is not an issue restricted to any particular region or country, but is a global challenge across countries and continents. The challenge is real as increase in global population and commercial activity is only likely to increase in waste.
Globally, various governments and businesses are working to find innovative ways to minimize the waste generation as well as to find and implement effective and efficient ways of waste disposal; recycling is one of the effective and widely adopted methods.
To understand the key trends for waste management and recycling that may be helpful for your business, please keep reading!
Stringent Waste Management Regulations
Governments across the globe are considering stringent regulations for waste generation, handling, disposal and recycling. Several regions now require their businesses and residents to follow the issued guidelines for waste management strictly, to avoid facing penalties and law. With the growing awareness among citizens and growing demands for environmental pollution control due to waste generation and improper waste management, it is one of the important issues to tackle for the businesses and residents.
Focus on proper sorting and treatment of wastes before disposal
The traditional practice of disposing the waste produced by industries and households in landfills and water bodies without proper sorting and treatment has historically cased huge damage to the environment. It has also lead to several health issues among various human communities. Nowadays, sorting of waste has become of paramount importance to separate biodegradable waste from non-biodegradable waste; separate solid waste from liquid waste; sort and treat different classes of hazardous waste to make it non-hazardous before disposing. This shall minimize the effect on environment and communities.
Compositing of biodegradable waste
Compositing provides a better option to utilize the biowaste as valuable resources, rather than burning them or dumping them. Biowaste generated from farms, households, hospitals, restaurants, etc. can be composted to produce bio-fuels and fertilizers. Waste to Energy (WTE) as a concept is gaining a lot of recognition. Recently, there is an increased emphasis to build compost infrastructure in the cities as well as in the farming areas. This shall not only lead to better utilization of biowaste, but also reduce environmental impact traditionally caused by dumping.
Recycling of non-biodegradable waste
It is important to reuse and recycle the waste that is either non-biodegradable or takes too long to degrade. Such a waste can be reused in its existing form either for a different application or for the same application somewhere else. Waste can be used in its modified form after making necessary changes and modifications for the required application. The waste that cannot be reused in its existing or modified form shall be recycled either through thermal or chemical processes to produce the raw material that can be utilized to prepare new products. If required, you can seek the help of waste management experts/ consultants for waste reduction and waste management for your business.
Application of digital technology in waste management
Technology applications shall play an important role in waste management. It can be used to track a product throughout its lifecycle to ensure it is not disposed off irresponsibly. Technology can be used in the form of mobile apps to request on-demand waste pick-up services from residential societies as well as factories. Technology can be used in the form of IoT sensors to inform the waste pickup services whenever the waste disposal bins are full for which autonomous driving and electric vehicles can be used. Robots and robotic arms can be used in the process of sorting and recycling.
Minimize the waste generation
The most effective way to manage the waste is to prevent its generation; however, it may not be entirely possible, hence, its production must be reduced to the maximum possible extent. It shall help to reduce the strain on the waste disposal system including landfills and water bodies, reduce the environmental impact and reduce the strain on overall waste management system. Application of digitalization shall reduce the use of paper and the resulting paper waste. Use of plastics should be reduced to the maximum possible extent and its reuse and recycling be encouraged. Industries should also focus to reduce the wastes such as metal, chemical, glass, plastics, etc. Application of environmentally friendly technologies and materials should be encouraged. Waste reduction shall not only have the positive environmental effect but also have a positive economic effect for the household and industries alike.