Why you have to Follow COVID'19 Preventive measures during Food Delivery Takeouts?
The impact of coronavirus has been visible globally. With cases nearing almost 10 million, people are forced to quarantine by their respective governments. Various industries are shut following the lockdown. People find it difficult to even step out for essential commodities. On-demand apps are coming to the rescue of the people. Restaurants have turned into delivery outlets taking orders from customers through the app. However, people fear that transmission can happen during delivery of food packages or grocery bags from the delivery professionals. To break this transmission chain, people must adopt certain preventive measures. Food and grocery delivery services are working to satisfy the needs of the people. They cannot act as carriers of infections.
How can people prevent coronavirus transmission during delivery takeout’s? What are the preventive actions that a food delivery company can take to curb the spread of infection? Let us discuss them here. If you are looking to enter the delivery market with an Ubereats Clone, these measures are to be taken care of.

Impact of COVID’19:
Coronavirus has led to massive destruction of human lives, inflicting casualties as high as 47,000 and affecting 950,000 people worldwide. (As of 2nd April)
- The pandemic has spread across 203 countries and territories globally.
- The global share market has seen a massive plunge in trades and business.
- The travel and transportation industry, which amounts to 10% of the global GDP, is the most affected. More than 100 nations have imposed travel restrictions.
- Car sales in China were reduced by 86% in the first two months of the pandemic.
- Oil prices have seen a record plunge. It is to be noted that the value of crude oil reduced to a record low $22.86 per barrel.
- Inconsistencies were visible even in the ‘safe haven’ assets market like the crypto market, the gold market, etc.
- Industrial production in China fell by 13.5% in the first two months.
- The Dow Jones Industrial Average and the Nikkei have gone down to a substantial rate.
This coronavirus pandemic continues to create havoc in the world. Social distancing is the only weapon that can come in handy to curb the transmission of infection.

Preventive actions by people during delivery takeout’s:
- Practicing ‘contactless’ delivery options: Isolating yourselves from the external world is essential in this stage of the violent spread of the infection. Maintaining the distance between delivery professionals is highly essential during takeout’s. People can instruct delivery professionals to place the order at a confined place in front of their home. People can take the delivery packages once the delivery professionals have left the area. This prevents any chance of transmission between the people and delivery professionals.
- Transferring food to a clean container: Once the delivery person delivers the food package, people can transfer the food into a clean container. This prevents people from contact with the contaminated surfaces of the food package. People can discard paper or plastic delivery bags. Sanitizing the food package thoroughly can curb the infection from spreading.
- Wear Gloves during takeout’s: This is the easiest measure one can follow. People can wear gloves during delivery takeout’s. This prevents people from touching the contaminated surfaces. While this can be a simple measure, this can easily prevent the transmission from spreading.
- Proper sanitation habits: Washing your hands before and after a meal is mandatory during this quarantine season. Practicing social distancing and adopting proper hygiene habits is essential. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), washing hands with an alcohol sanitizer or disinfectant for at least 20 seconds is essential. These are extra measures that can keep families healthy.

Actions by food delivery company to curb the spread of transmission:
Food delivery companies, too, must take some preventive measures to prevent the transmission of this fatal virus.
- Awareness to Delivery professionals: Proper awareness should be given to delivery professionals. While we stay put in our homes, they put their lives at stake to provide us services. Food delivery companies must provide them with the awareness of how the disease will spread, how can the delivery person prevent himself from the disease, etc. Delivery professionals must be made aware of the importance of sanitation habits and proper hygiene care.
- Sanitizing ‘High touch’ surfaces: ‘High touch’ surfaces are those areas that are in frequent contact in the restaurants. For example, handles of packages, edges of cutlery, etc., are labelled as such. To prevent contamination through these high touch surfaces, sanitization of these surfaces is essential. Dr. Donald Schaffner, a food science specialist, has stated, “We also suspect that the disease is spread through cross-contamination, i.e. someone sneezes on the surface, you touch that surface with your finger. You poke your nose with the finger. Now the virus in your nose can infect you.” Although this measure is mostly carried out by people, delivery professionals must follow these practices. This is because, initially, it is the delivery professional who meets these surfaces.
- Adopting online payments: This measure can come in handy during these situations. Online food delivery platforms like Ubereats Clone can prevent transmission by adopting online payment options. Nowadays, payments are made through different payment gateways, including credit, debit cards, and digital wallets. Even virtual currency integration is made possible in some online platforms. Adopting these online payments can prevent the transmission of the deadly virus.
Final Note:
Governments can impose restrictions and penalize people for going out, it is up to the people to take safety measures to keep their families safe. With the Coronavirus proving to be a deadly menace, social distancing must be followed. Scientists are struggling to find a cure for this disease. It is high time; people realize the impact of this deadly virus. Food and grocery delivery services are operating for the sake of people in need. Delivery professionals are risking their lives so that people get the services at their doorsteps. By strictly following the quarantine state for another two weeks, the mortality rate can be reduced. It can be an old saying, but people ought to follow this, ‘Prevention is better than cure.’ Let us fight this pandemic together!