Best 6 B2B Ecommerce Multi Vendor Marketplace Script

Multi-Vendor Marketplace software allows multi vendors to manage their products online, it provides a platform to vendors where they can add, manage and sell products based on different criteria like approval of marketplace owner etc. It is a combined module which helps both user and owner to generate revenue based on their prior agreements. These kind of Marketplace websites are drastically increasing due to rapid change in customer behavior and shopping behavior sine online shoppers are increasing day by day its leading to rapid increase in Multi vendor Marketplace Script. Users find it convenient to find everything under the single roof instead of visiting separate stores for each and every product. Below listed are the hot picks as well as widely preferred scripts which are leading to a successful Marketplace.
Webnexs Multi-vendor Marketplace is one among the top hot picks Magento based readymade software these days. It is a multipurpose Marketplace Script which helps in creating a marketplace Web site, manage multiple vendors, manage multiple products with absolute product description which makes the process easy. It is developed by Webnexs which suits B2B websites too.
Webnexs Multi-vendor module is exclusively designed not only for vendors to manage profile and products .it is exclusively designed with a responsive theme which helps in product management, maintaining a perfect user experience across multiple devices. It also offers effective add-ons such as charge free sites, social logins, one site checkout and PayPal adaptive payments etc.
Theme clone is a well known B2B Script specially developed to launch hosting themes. Theme clone is enabled with many effective features such as text translator, secured payment methodologies, etc. Using Text Translator user can easily change the labels to any other preferred languages .percentage of the commission can be set easily with this Theme clone where payments are securely enabled through PayPal , amoneybookers and Alertpay systems. Theme clone not only enabled with above features it also enabled with backend options like complete control on admin over sales, uploaded items as well as user accounts.
Theme clone script has its own forum where users can report their queries and doubts. This module is developed in such a way it is readily available to use without any hassle or efforts. Users can also actively participate in the forum and clarify their doubts as well.
Getsy clone is another popular Script for B2B Marketplace Websites readily available for startups. It is a customized software which can be implemented within minutes according to the requirements of Marketplace users without any hindrances. Marketplace sites can be easily setup using Getsy clone, Getsy Clone is also available in 9 different languages, payments can also be made through 20 different currencies these are some of the essential special features of Getsy. Getsy Extension users are enabled with predefined payment modules, custom payment solutions as per specific requirements of users.
Buy and sell marketplace script is one of the best picks developed on Php, such Marketplace Scripts are exclusively developed for selling and buying digital products. With the help of Buy and Sell Marketplace Script user can create individual web app developers and other different digital products. Both the product owner and vendor can have complete access set up options through different sales purchase details without any hassle. Sales and purchases through Buy and sell Marketplace Script are handled smoothly, payments can be done through secured Apps such as Paypal or PayZa.
Marketplus is one of the best Well known Marketplace Script which is enabled with multiple effective and necessary features for setting up marketplace Websites for a variety of downloadable digital products namely, templates, images, plug-ins, audio, video, e-books, etc. As per the previous count Marketplace software offered by Marketplus are user-friendly.Marketplus is enabled with a separate plug-in for owners through which owners can easily enable and disable plugins.
Marketplus is also supported with multiple languages visitors can also change the settings to their local languages.
WebkulMagento Marketplace Script it offers commenting, reviewing, and rating system which helps users to register their valuable feedback on products. Both Seller and an owner can have different backend controls through which they can upload products list, Admin can set different commission rates for different vendors as well as admin can have complete control over updates on the status of product delivery. Webkul is also enabled with special features such as tax management for both vendors and merchants as well as special pricing features.