8 web design trends that will dominate your screen in 2020
Trends come and go, but life goes on irrespective of what trend rules! When you apply this philosophy to businesses, you will be disappointed. You need to move with the trends or else you will either be stagnant in your business or you might get thrown out as many others will take over. Since a key driver of business is your website, you will need to follow the web design trends too. You need not change your website with every new trend, but you must be aware of them and modify it when you see a benefit.
To ensure that your website is up to date, it is important that the designers of your web design company in Bangalore keep themselves updated. The following trends are likely to be the big ones for 2020
1. Designed for Mobile Devices
Considering the rise in the amount of time people spend using their mobile phones, particularly for browsing the internet, it is important that the websites be designed for them, too. This has been the trend for some time now, but with Google announcing that quick load designs for mobiles would impact SEO, it is all the more important to invest in getting it done.
Since maximum browsing is done on the phone, it is also important to make it comfortable for the users to view it while looking good along with the very important quick load feature.
2. Usage of White Space
The key features of a good website include the white space and how it is used. This is generally used to give the website a neat appearance. The need for using the white space has now moved to create a scenario where it draws attention to specific sections of the page that would maximise conversions and hence boost business.
3. Austereness
This includes the point of smart use of white space while keeping the website light enough to facilitate the quick load feature, which is essential to keep the bounce rate to a minimum. The other aspect of austereness is the use of fonts and colours and the well-planned site map
4. Dynamic Backgrounds
This trend is the complete opposite of the previous one. This is popular with brands that need to make a bold statement. This trend works well when there is a need to capture attention. Videos, being the in-thing these days, can be used to make the most of this trend. This can then serve the purpose of brand development, product launches and generating better sales. Your web development company in Bangalore should be able to help you make the right choice for a background depending on your requirements.
5. Aid from Chatbots
Artificial Intelligence on websites has been introduced in a big way and the chatbots are the highlight of this technology. When consumers seek assistance from a website, a chatbot eliminates the need to wait for a response or call up and talk to a representative. With a chatbot, the help is quick and constant. Proper use of Chatbot can helps businesses to get higher conversion rates as the doubts of the consumers get resolved then and there and they can continue their journey without having to attempt another visit
6. Use of Illustrations
These have the power of lending uniqueness to a website. While photographs and images have their strengths, illustrations are far more effective in getting attention from the visitors. These illustrations can be used for different purposes such as the background. You could consider creating a character that guides you through the website. You could have another one showing the level of progress in an activity as well. The important point to remember here is that the illustration must not distract the user from the purpose of the visit and make it a pleasant and memorable one.
7. Single Page Websites
When you are using a mobile phone for browsing, it becomes cumbersome to go to different pages to find information. This also saves loading time, which is very critical. A well-designed single page site makes use of optimised elements to ensure the best experience for the users and maximum benefit for the business. Your web design company in Bangalore will need to show its skills in providing you with a well-optimised website.
8. Fast Loading Time
While all these trends are hot in 2019, there is one that will always have importance and that is a quick-loading website. This is a certain requirement and can be achieved through minimalist design or optimisation of the other elements. The requirement of the load times has changed over the years. Initially, when websites were new, that itself was a high point and users had ample patience, but now a load time of more than 3 seconds can spell disaster.
So, get on with the trends and design a wonderful website or maybe just modify it enough to help your business grow.