How social travel is a thing For 2018 — learn
‘Social’ means Connecting with People

Social Travel is exactly the opposite of Solo Travel
Social Travel i.e. here travelers like to connect and meet with people or rather locals. Social Travelers meet locals, make them friends, learn about their lifestyles such as about their cuisines, culture etc. They are trying to learn new values, customs and traditions of people from different countries have.
And yes, 2018 is the year to be more social. If 2017 was the year for solo travelers, now this year #SocialTravel going to trend. Most of the travel blogs will revolve around social travel as being social is the essence of traveling.
Advantages of Social Travel:

Meet New Cultures — Social travel is trying to learn about different lifestyles, cultures, values, customs etc. of people from different places. You try to blend in what they have to offer.
Better Travel Experiences — Blending in with locals of a place you travel to will always provide you better travel experiences to share with the world. As you get to see real insights of that place.

New Buddies — Social Travel is all about making new friends, meeting locals and turning it into new travel friendships.
True Traveling — Well traveling is not only about taking off from work, checking into a hotel and relax for a while, but it is about exploring a new place and actually people living there. That’s what makes social travel a true version of traveling.

Trending — You and your travel stories and experiences can trend well with social travel in 2018. As it is new and refreshing and more close to the real essence of traveling.
Travel Networking — With social travel, you make new friends and/or a personal network of yours at every place you visit around the globe.
Below are the few websites or apps to find a travel buddy:
1. Xoxo Tours
3. Tourbar
4. Miss Travel
5. Travello
So this time don’t just transport yourself from one to place to another, rather explore more of a place with social travel.