Natural medication system is invariably the domestic practice in Indian households. Here, people rely on natural remedies for most of their health issues. This fact somewhat surprised several advanced medical institutes across the world that how a person can get treated at home using natural elements of daily use. And if you compare with current trends, you find that the entire world is going fancy for natural supplements. As per the report of World Health Organization, approx. 70-80% of the population opts for non-conventional medicines based on herbal resources.

The recent shift in the approach of big pharmacy giants about product promotion has changed the scenario. Nowadays, major Pharma companies add labels such as “with the touch of nature” or “Pure Natural Ingredients”, etc.
The prevalence of natural herbs for treatment in India is ancient and manuscripts dating back to 2000 years are available in Archaeological Institutes. The Ayurveda is the focal foundation of natural treatments that gives the description of full body issues and their treatments using the blend of natural elements (herbs) and body activities (Yoga).
The dominance of Allopathy and realization of truth: So far the natural medicines and treatment methods are concerned, the practice faded a bit in 90's era. People became amazed by the surprises of artificial treatment methods. The quick healing impact, instant relief, sophisticated surgical procedures, and simulated makeovers shadowed the people’s mind for a long time.
But, the “change” being the ever-existing thing, this hollow fondness likewise had to go. Soon, side-effects of artificial chemicals, temporary relief, suppression of symptoms and expensive treatment procedures showed the other side of the coin.
Now people are becoming mature as to when to use artificial treatment and when to go with herbs. And this paved way for the evolvement of Naturopathy. Things are better than ever with the advancements of technology and revolution of science. The integration of the scientific & diagnostic tools in natural medication ensured the better, well-researched, multi-layer tested, safe and responsive formulations.
Why people hesitated to trust Naturopathy:
Being an old-fashioned and commonly-known method of treatment, people didn’t see much scope in Natural prescriptions (in monetary terms) and so, scientific progress in the aspects of Ayurveda slowed down. When it came to choose between Naturopathy and Allopathy regarding complex issues, people doubted Naturopathy for the lack of any scientific support.
Naturopathy, for a long time, was available from sources such as Hakeems and Vaidyas, who might be well-versed in the art of natural treatments but had no titled-qualifications or scientific proof/ certificates for quality. And the fate of naturopathy stuck on destiny for a long time.
The road was rough and steep but the efforts brought results. The trust re-established and standards reached. Names like Baidyanath, Patanjali, Hamdard, Hashmi, Dabur, etc. re-crafted the image of natural products in sync with the modern world.
Development of Ayurveda as a Pharma Sector:
They assumed it was naive, they felt it didn’t have the potential, they thought it is for poor but Ayurveda is not about status or class. Ayurveda defines the natural way to live life. We, Indians have, for a long time, ignored our values and core knowledge but now the time has changed. When you want to reach higher, your roots should be deep and well-preserved.
The Ayurveda or Naturopathy, in recent times, has taken the dramatic turns and while people are literally seeking the original herbs and medicines for most complex issues, pharma companies have also taken significant measures like separate research labs, home-production of herbs, certifications from competent authorities, etc. to meet the demands.
To convert Ayurveda into a full-fledged business sector, efforts should be made on these points;
• Authentication as per latest health measures
• R&D using latest technological resources
• Quality products using pure ingredients
• Cases to prove its worthiness
One may say that it is not possible on small scale but the truth is, it is possible. So far the basics are concerned, various Government institutes are already running Degree Programs in Ayurveda. When one collects the right knowledge and right approach, milestones can be touched gradually.
The market follows the trends but only the ideas lead/ drive the energy. Ayurveda holds great potential for Startup in FMCG/ Health Sector, or to work as an Individual Practitioner.