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Avoid clutter - keep clean

Avoid clutter - keep clean

Friday June 09, 2017 , 3 min Read

It’s a common opinion that families (mostly big ones) live in messy homes. Is it really so, though? According to the Web-addicted-stay-at-home-mums, this is wrong. By adopting easy and simple routines, these people have kept their homes clutter-free. Is it possible for us, regular people, to achieve a clutter-free home? It seems so. We just have to be patient and monitor your everyday activities.

Firstly, and most importantly, we need to learn the Buddhist method, i.e. detach ourselves from every object, try and look at things not as sentimental objects, but simply as objects which ease our daily life. We would thusly be able to: 1. throw away everything unnecessary (often times clutter is caused by our sentimental selves, keeping every notebook, etc. we have used in our lives); 2. arrange our home so that we are able to reach everything we use in our daily routines without moving/shifting other objects/furniture. If you have a spare space, you could set up a place for frequently used items, for example. Secondly, it’s advisable to “declutter” before we go to sleep. That is, put everything back where it should be.

Of course, cleaning our homes or hiring professionals like Top Carpet Cleaning North London  is a tradition before holidays. But we should not just clean; we should think about our routines, what have changed since the last thorough cleaning of our home. Do we have a difficulty reaching any object? If so, we should rearrange the home and adapt it to your new life style. Moreover, rearrange your child’s toys. (even the squeaky clean home looks disordered when toys are cluttered). We could donate the toys the child no longer finds appealing, I’m not quite sure if they would like that, though.

When we’ve freed ourselves from attachment to objects and arranged our new, enhanced home, we should make sure not to overfill your home with junk again. We need to abstain from every unnecessary shopping which might cause irrational buying. The best way to do that is to set up a date for shopping (usually on a weekly basis) and make a list of everything we need to keep your household in order. Of course, small snacks are permitted (but make sure not to keep the packaging afterwards just because it’s a symbol of your first date with George). Furthermore, it’s a good idea to clean out the fridge before shopping day, it’ll help us determine what kind of food we need.

Did you know that clutter at home causes a great amount of stress not only among adults but also among children? Clutter stimulates our mind in a variety of ways: a cluttered home provides various stimuli, like visual for example, which make our brains work excessively; this causes headache and inevitably rises our stress levels. As it seems, clutter can actually cause health problems, and we’ve all felt that (pre) nervous breakdown when staying in a messy space for more that five minutes. But clutter-free home is possible, not only for the OCR cleaners and stay-at-home-mums (who achieve it for they spend their day at home). And yes, we do have to perform everyday checkups to see if everything is where it should be. This will eliminate clutter and will keep you positive.

Last but not least, have fun! An activity can’t have good results if it’s done out of duty. Indulge the whole family; decluttering is a responsibility of everyone, not just you. A good way to start decluttering is to make a list which highlights why is your house messy, and work our way to a clutter- and stress-free environment.
