Big Data, Analytics and Artificial Intelligence is Transforming the Future of Healthcare
As the world is booming with technology, why we shouldn't leave the healthcare sector behind so here we provide the role of AI & Big data analytics in Healthcare.
As technologies like Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality is revolutionizing various industry sectors, it definitely plays a significant role in healthcare future. As healthcare is one of the world’s fastest as well as largest growing industry and adding technology will make a bigger and better difference. However, reports suggest that the healthcare IT market is expected to reach 390.7 USD billion market shares by 2024, with a 15.8% forecast CAGR growth.
Thus, empowering transition and determining effectiveness across various sectors, technology in the healthcare industry can definitely determine and support key decisions, improve patient’s health, and certainly reduce cost.As various companies have already started exploring and utilizing technologies to provide better healthcare facilities, they today provide applications and in-house health services through various technology-based platforms. Thus, the scope is wider. As such, let’s explore the possible technology synergies that can determine better healthcare facility in the future.
Big Data and Healthcare
As healthcare generates a vast amount of data, big data can be applied to a wide range of medical functions and analytics. A report by McKinsey in 2011 estimated that healthcare can leverage the value of approximately $300 billion by focusing on big data.
Applying big data and utilizing information from the enormous data generated through the clinical prescriptions, medical imaging, laboratory, pharmacy, and other administrative data can be of significant support system in clinical decisions.Also, with hospitals and healthcare adopting the system of maintaining electronic health records (EHR), big data can be very useful. Big data can play a huge role in understanding a patient’s health pattern and provide assistance in improvising a patient’s health and hence increase efficiency on a real-time basis. Like in cases of cancer patients, healthcare facilities can detect and diagnose the problem at very early stages and at the same time provide more effective therapies on basis of a patient’s genetic makeup.
Also, big data can increase efficiency in the healthcare industry by determining details on symptom analysis for various diseases and assist in monitoring health conditions that might be missed through the human eye. Along with, big data can be utilized to develop a diagnostic model and further create awareness about any particular healthcare query.Thus, with infinite possibilities to explore, data plays the first and foremost crucial role across healthcare for better decision-making. Also, big data can enable better record system and storing data systematically.
With big data, new records can also be continuously tracked and managed. Updating new health records, analyzing key concerns can be faster and analytically correct. Thus, saving time and cost.
AI and Healthcare
Leveraging AI in healthcare today, companies are already implementing better health facilities for the masses through health-based apps. Collecting wide health inputs like height and weight, their food habits and determining key lifestyle concerns, AI in health applications are already providing real-time solutions.
AI in healthcare is also used to understand a patient’s health condition, like the problem of diabetes or monitoring blood pressure. Providing diet charts, fitness routine and right consultation online through applications, AI is already making its way in the industry.As the healthcare industry involves wider areas of monitoring and record maintenance, AI can play a crucial role for healthcare professionals to better understand the daily patterns and system records. With the advancements in medical devices and providing consumer wearables, AI today can support doctors and medical experts to diagnose cases like early-stage heart diseases or other life-risking situations of the patients.
Thus, consistent monitoring with real-time inputs can help doctors to provide treatments to patients at early hours and save life.Additionally, AI can be explored in healthcare as a daily monitoring application of a patient’s health and provide real-time and instant feedback. In the current scenario of a busy lifestyle, AI is the being further leveraged to understand and recognize patterns of potential risk and also determine potential conditions that can be developed leading to deterioration in a patient’s health condition.
AI and its unique algorithms like predictive analytics can support medical systems with faster and better clinical decisions, provide timely care and also prioritize administrative tasks. Thus, increasing efficiency across various medical sectors and facilitating faster decisions, in case of life-threatening situations too.Thus, with advancements and support provided through tech experts like IBM Watson and Google’s DeepMind Health, research, and constantly applying cognitive technology to advance healthcare facility can provide better medical platforms with power diagnosis ability.
Data Storage and Healthcare
Manual management of patients files and records can be a tedious and risky task. As the healthcare deals with a person’s life and death situation, holding electronic data with all their past medical records and present conditions can be crucial in times of emergency.Therefore, utilizing technology and its storage capability, healthcare facilities can now improve their data storage in a digital format. Leveraging further on Electronic Health Records (EHR) both doctors and patients can exchange vital data inputs on a real-time basis and be on the same page at all durations. The analytical suggestion is definitely an advantage in crisis scenario.
Intelligent Healthcare
With constant support from cognitive computing abilities embedded in medical records, human errors can definitely be marginalized. Furthermore, data analytics with all key information on a patient’s health can be significant for instant care in case of traumatic situations.Building custom healthcare solutions can enhance the overall efficiency of hospitals and medical systems.
They can provide solutions to vast public health issues like obesity and addiction with key data insights. Thus, enabling big data analytics, healthcare can offer and predict larger and significant healthcare concerns for the masses.
Also, leveraging on technologies, healthcare facilities can function better and faster, optimizing solutions and provide the best medical facility with data precision rather than on assumptions. This is likely to eliminate the risk of errors or chances to miss out on potential details. Thus, saving a patient’s life in time with accuracy. If you looking for software development partner to build custom healthcare application then we can be your one-stop software partner.