What guest blogging exactly is & it can help us generating traffic to our site?
The bloggers are searching for various techniques to increase traffic on their site. Optimization of search engine, applying in AdSense, submit URL to google and SEO are the popular methods of increasing traffic.
Friday June 22, 2018 , 3 min Read
The bloggers are searching for various techniques to increase traffic on their site. Optimization of the search engine, applying in AdSense, submit URL to Google and SEO are the popular methods of increasing traffic.
Bloggers are shifting from guest blogging to generate traffic. Guest blogging simply refers to posting of blogs in another blogging site rather than on their own site. This type of marketing techniques is generally tricky as most of the professional bloggers do not give authority to publish your blogs on their respective site. It is generally free of cost for both of them.
The host blogger can increase their site’s traffic from guest author’s blog. As the host blogger generally informs the audience that they have posted guest on another blogging site.
Therefore, the fans of host bloggers will keenly show interest on your blog and this can only be identified with the help of referral link, the host blogger has mentioned.

There are various reasons to do a guest blog and one of the reasons is to get links on your blog. The linked posting is often beneficial for both of the bloggers because both of the bloggers publish a link to each other sites when a guest post is published.
It assists them to rank high on a search engine as it provides a platform to those users whose information is valuable to other audience. The websites which possess a number of links are more likely to rank higher as crawlers in the search engine gain the sense of authenticity in that particular site.
The trust should be built up by the bloggers in other blogging sites. Bloggers should make the decision of the choosing the guest blogger keenly. The host blogger comes across other authors by searching on their niche website, leaving remarks on other sites to build a trustworthy relationship.
Guest blogging is only fruitful when there is an exchange of trust between both the parties. By commenting on other sites, it built the advantage of name recognition of that blogger and therefore, active users will get to know about you.
The creation of trust will build the recognition and both bloggers can even earn with their blogging site with the help of freelancing as it creates the credibility of the author’s blogs. If you are a professional blogger then you can earn money beyond your expectations.
In conclusion, the guest blogging requires unique content, free from grammatical errors, user-friendly, appropriate images as well as title to get published in guest blog’s site.
An article by Sonali Melen, Digital Marketing strategist @ Delhi Courses.