Mobile friendly perfect Salesforce solutions
Using a mobile friendly CRM can be beneficial for them and Salesforce is one such platform.
Friday June 23, 2017 , 4 min Read
Mobile devices have become an inseparable part of almost everyone’s life. Moreover nowadays the business organizations are adopting CRM platforms for their organizational operations and better customer relationship platforms. Salesforce CRM provides a cloud based and mobile friendly platform to the user and due to its technical capabilities; it is being adopted by a number of business organizations. The websites built before 2007 were not mobile friendly and he mobile devices were also not that much popular, but today maximum number of websites are accessed through mobile devices, in comparison to desktop and for the same reason, it has become important to have a mobile friendly CRM platform as well.
Through Salesforce one can get the CRM, which is suitable for mobile and its applications are also mobile friendly. It has provided a mobile centric platform to the user and the handy devices can be used to access any of the available content or information in a seamless manner. Salesforce is that CRM, which has provided a mobile friendly platform to its users and that’s why the user of Salesforce CRM can provide the tailor made services to its customers, using successfully implemented CRM. For which the organizations can take the help of a Salesforce consultancy, which can help the business organizations, in providing a customized Salesforce implementation. Moreover you can get the best suggestion for your organization.
Through a customized and properly implemented CRM, like CRM user can get the better workflow, content and improved customer relationship management facility, due to which you can provide customer centric service and improve the market reputation. Even in a short span of time the better technical support can make you capable to provide completely user friendly service and the path to attain the long term or short term business goals.
A few of the mostly used and mobile friendly fetaures of Salesforce CRM are listed under:
1) Salesforce Lightning Components
Salesforce Lightning framework can be used to develop the dynamic, responsive and mobile friendly Salesforce web apps. It is available for Salesforce Classic and Lightening Experience. Mobile friendly and template based CRM apps can be developed through Salesforce Lightning and the employees of the organization; can use it using their mobile devices as well. Lightning component framework are developed using JavaScript and are optimized for Mobile and Desktop both.
2) Salesforce Lightning Design System
Through Lightning design system Salesforce administrator and developer can develop Lightning apps and components for their organizational business operations. You can get the free access of UI library to develop the Lightning components. Having the knowledge of HTMl and CSS is enough to learn Lightning Design System and the user can develop mobile and desktop friendly Salesforce apps, which they can use to execute their organizational operations smoothly.
3) Salesforce Communities:
Getting the customized Salesforce communities can provide the user a platform to contact other Salesforce developers, customers and the organizational employees all. The communities or a social platform can be of much importance for the users, if they want to get connected with their customers and employees through a single platform, then Salesforce Community is the platform, which can provide the facility to get connected with anyone and respond to the user’s queries as well. Using Salesforce Lightning Experience and Design System the mobile and desktop friendly Salesforce communities can be developed by any experienced Salesforce developer.
4) Salesforce1 App:
Using Salesforce customized app, the user can access the required and useful information from the database as and when needed. These apps can provide the implementation of Salesforce apps, as per the user need. Moreover if any organization has its own defined set of rules for its business operations, then the Salesforce consultant can provide the user an app, which is completely suitable for its operations. These apps uses Lightning Component Frameowrk are responsive and friendly with every handheld device.
5) Hybrid Apps
The hybrid apps use a set of technologies, including JavaScript and HTML5. The mobile friendly websites, using Apache Cordova mobile container can be developed, using Salesforce app development platform and the hybrid apps can be developed, which may be compatible with every platform.
The mobile friendly platform, implemented through Salesforce can be suitable for each and every platform and device. There may be the cases, when your sales representative may need the information, available on Salesforce database in order to provide the customer friendly service and to satisfy their needs and requirement. The Salesforce user can get the optimized apps and the platform with the help of any experienced and certified Salesforce developer or the Salesfore Mobile App Development Company. These apps or Lightning components can be suitable for every organizational service need. Proper implementation is the key to get complete benefit from the Salesforce apps. Salesforce Lightning apps are compatible with every platform and provide a mobile responsive facility.