Why just success stories are read? Are failures waste?
Every one talks about successful CEO's and startups who are able to attract investors. Are failures mere waste?
Tuesday September 12, 2017 , 3 min Read
Every newspaper, every good magazine talks about the startups who are able to attract investors and got huge funding. Their story is indeed motivating but what about those who are struggling for years but failed to get any recognition? May be they failed to get success just because of lack of funds or willingness to work or promote using 'ethical ways' only ( not using any paid form of advertising or fake reviews). Are they not worth mentioning?
Today with digital marketing booming , it's really simple to catch all eyes on you. What all required is a card and willingness to pay money to fetch good visibility. It's really surprising to see most of the good digital marketing bloggers talking about digital marketing agencies or courses selling reputation management services with thousands of bad reviews in their credit. People are talking about them, sharing their stories and even subscribing for their newsletters. But is this right? What about those who are not willing to pay due to simple reason they feel good work always pays. Well, everyone is not fortunate like Nokia who is back with a bang!
There are a number of digital marketing companies in India with 100% positive reviews and there are only a single or two sources to write about the quality of their services. How are customers or visitors going to trust such providers? Is paying good amount of money for guest posts only resort to showcase you are really good?
Just like the digital marketing companies, there are a number of other companies as well who are facing the same situation. They are doing good, they carry good reviews, but still you hardly find bloggers talking about them or their products or services. Digital marketing has made it really simple to gain top ranking by using money and this is undoubtedly not at all good. It is killing the hard work of years of companies who are working with honesty and patiently.
This article is an urge to all those great bloggers to make the best use of their blog. Before they write reviews for any digital marketing institute or company and say they are best, they should check for their reputation over the World Wide Web. There are institutes and there are hundreds of unbiased reviews clearly stating the services are not good, still they are in the top list of these bloggers. This is an urge to promote what is actually worth deserving as else even Google bots hate Bad Neighborhood. What is good will remain good and let's work together to give reward to good. Remember motivation is required more for those who are struggling to be successful and not those who have already achieved success. Think about it!