We're in the cloud! How does the cloud impact our daily life
Have you ever wondered, where does the picture get saved once you are done uploading? - On Cloud. In this story, you'll find how cloud technology impacts our daily life.

Cloud computing is impacting our lives these days, in numerous ways. Whether we notice or not, we are constantly on the cloud and living our lives smoothly.
Not only is cloud impacting the lives of a common man, but it has also completely changed the way businesses and their customers store and access their important data.
You take a picture and post it on Facebook or Instagram. This is a part of our everyday social life.
But ever wondered, where does the picture get saved once you are done uploading?
The answer is cloud storage. Even if you delete these pictures from your phone, you’ll still be able to find them on the cloud.
The technology of cloud basically revolves around the internet. The word ‘cloud’ is a metaphor that is used for the Internet.
So, cloud turns out to be internet based computing technology. Cloud telephony and cloud computing are just a few cloud-based platforms that are gaining popularity among businesses day by day.
There will be a rise in cloud based business systems from 8% to 33% in 2017.
“Cloud is about how you do computing, not where you do computing.” - Paul Maritz, CEO of VMware
Cloud is everywhere that we can imagine. Cloud services run on the internet and cloud based applications are known as the ‘Webapps’.
From improving healthcare facilities to raising the standards of our global environment, cloud computing is secretly driving a world-changing revolution, without even letting you know.
When talking about the trends of emerging technologies in the world, cloud happens to be one of the most debatable and major technological advancement that is alone responsible for driving a major revolution in the world.
John Hagel, co-chairman of the Deloitte Center for the Edge said,
“Cloud computing has the potential to generate a series of disruptions that will ripple out from the tech industry and ultimately transform many industries around the world.”
The interest in cloud is continuously increasing as many organizations have moved elements of their Information Technology departments on cloud platforms.
Also, companies such as Dropbox, Facebook, etc. have opened new arenas for the people, so that they could now store their personal data in the cloud.
The world is seen moving to the era of cloud. Our demands and thinking are being shaped to get the desirable result in the minimum time, with maximum cost efficiency.
Cloud caters to all these needs, which is why businesses are taking the bold step of thinking out of the box and adopting cloud platforms for their businesses.
According to a market survey, 95 percent of the businesses are using cloud in some form or the other.
And by 2019, 90 percent of all the data traffic will use cloud apps. More than we can realize, cloud has become an integrated part of our lives.
Larry Ellison, Chairman, Oracle said,
“The interesting thing about cloud computing is that, we’ve redefined cloud computing to include everything that we already do.”
We are as never before, seeing the cloud technology impact our world on many levels of our social and personal life.
Here are the major parts of our daily lives that have seen a revolution by cloud. And guess what, we never knew about them!
Navigation programs store massive amounts of data and keep it up to date in order to assist you.
GPS tools or mobile maps constitute navigation applications in our lives. But how to do they tell your actual location?
Whenever you are using these tools, you are indirectly utilizing cloud to help you move from one point to the other.
And no matter wherever you travel, you can know the road maps, traffic conditions, weather, or even accidents, all with the help of cloud.
Online shopping
The urge for online shopping is increasing day by day among the customers.
Statistics suggest that 31 percent of the online shoppers shop at least once a week.
Many online stores are now using cloud to store important information about their customers to provide them with a better customer experience and also as a marketing strategy for their business.
‘Recently viewed’ or ‘Purchase recommendations’ are some of the features witnessed by the online shoppers that are a direct result of cloud services.
Social Circle
Social media applications such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Whatsapp etc. are used by people quite often.
When you scroll down on these apps, it’s not difficult to find your feeds or wall flooded with pictures. All these pictures and data are stored in the cloud.
And every time you take a look at them, you are basically tapping into the cloud.
Storing pictures and videos on the cloud are also becoming an important part of our daily life. Smartphones and computers, even store your personal information and media on the cloud services such as Google drive, iCloud etc.
By storing information such as media files on the cloud, you are also getting more space to store information on other devices.
Team Collaboration
Businesses often use applications to organize online meetings, share ideas or collaborate. All this is possible because of cloud.
The use of cloud at the workplace has become one of the most important factors for the growth of a business.
Statistics also suggest that access to cloud apps makes an employee happier at work and more satisfied with the work balance.
Also, SMEs can interact with their customers globally with the help of cloud services such as cloud telephony.
Wrap Up
Cloud is playing a vital role in our daily lives. But this is not the end of the cloud-based technologies.
The cloud-based applications that we are seeing today are just the tip of the iceberg. Cloud computing scientists suggest that cloud has much potential that is yet to be unlocked.
Who knows how we may be using the cloud, in a decade from now. Cloud can definitely do much more than simply reducing the IT cost of a business, it can totally transform it.
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