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7 reasons why content marketing fails and how to fix them

Fix these seven  mistakes and boost the ROI of content marketing campaigns

7 reasons why content marketing fails and how to fix them

Sunday July 16, 2017 , 4 min Read

73% of major organizations hire someone to manage their content marketing strategies. And why not? It is an all-out war amongst brands, and everybody is looking for customer’s attention and engagement.

Image source: Pixabay

Image source: Pixabay

With so much competition, content marketing campaigns are in a complete rage. But many fail too! Why does that happen? Let us find out!

No Clear Strategy

No matter how intrigued everybody is with the terms ‘Content Marketing’ and ‘Content Strategy’, not many really have a proper strategy in place. A content strategy contains your business concept, your plans, target audience, brand story and content channel. Without these properly defined and documented, it is more likely that you will have a skewed content marketing campaign.

An effective content marketing strategy improves the chances of success. 

Your Content Is Not Relevant

For obvious reasons, a content marketing campaign will not work without content. And more so, if the content is bad! Readers look for content that adds value to them in terms of problem solving, knowledge or entertainment. If your content is doing neither of the two, then it is just going to fall flat.

Customers want something new every time when they are up for reading something. A rehashed version of another blog is not what they are looking for. Hire a better writer, make your content engaging and keep a track of what your customer likes or dislikes. After all, a customer is the king.

You’ve Got Your Customers Wrong

You need to understand your customers’ needs. Understand their thought process, their influencers, and also the external factors affecting them. You will have to understand their pain points before you start pushing your product through content marketing. Your customers need to know you, connect with you and then they will pick you as the best bet.

Your content marketing campaign should let the customers know you, connect with you and then they will buy from you.

Your Content Marketing Strategy Is Not Flexible

With the changing marketplace, trends and even Google’s Algorithms, it is important for you to be ready for a change according to the circumstances. Be open to feedback, analysis and always try to keep your strategies with an edge. It is only the most flexible marketers who win the customers get to keep them for a longer period of time.

Content Marketing Is Not About Self-Promotion

One of the worst mistakes a content marketer can make is to create content that is self-promotional. While writing content, it may look tempting to write content that revolves around your brand.

Please stay away from this. A visitor does not want to read ads. A visitor reads blogs so as to gain some knowledge out of it. Also, a publisher will post your content (and provide you with a link) only if he finds the piece suitable enough to be posted on his/her blog or the website.

Create content, which gives you minor credit but adds major value to the reader.

Choosing The Wrong Marketing Channel

While promoting your content, it is important to analyze the channels that your target audience prefers to visit. It may happen that your audience visits LinkedIn more and you are more active on Instagram or Twitter. A fabulous content marketing campaign may not yield good results if the channel is not chosen properly.

Always analyze the results of your activities after certain periods of time to understand what is working and what is not. Modifying your campaign time after time is extremely important.

You Do Not Spend Enough Money

Sometimes, companies restrain to spend a lot of money on content marketing. Reasons? They do not completely trust the process and it takes some time to bear results. They need to understand that they will get what they pay for. It has been found that leads generated through traditional marketing costs almost double than what it costs through digital marketing. One needs to spend money on content marketing campaigns- smartly.

These are seven reasons why your content marketing campaign might not be working. So plan your strategy, act smart and be flexible. Step in your customers; shoes and you will know what to do.

What about you?

Do you have any more reason why content marketing fails? Please share it in the comment section. I would love to hear about it.