Digging deeper- Digital
Thursday May 04, 2017 , 3 min Read
2016 was digital friendly year. Medium and large sized businesses are growing based on website and active social presence. 2017 will be steps ahead than the year 2016. Internet has become nerves and social media are brains of e-marketing and e-commerce. To formulate digital marketing campaign and online strategies it is necessary to know ever changing trends of digitization. Whether it is Business to Business marketing, trade marketing, internal or external marketing adopting digital change is profitable investment for your firm.
Trends you should consider before going digital
1. Wear technology
Device has become so smart to wear. It is most easiest way to connect digitally with your audience. It is demolishing difference between online marketing and real marketing. Way to strategize Local marketing changed due to this on hand technology. Real time marketing is possible just because of wear technology.
2. Mobile Focused Internet Marketing
We can access anything and everything on mobile. When we surf in google through mobile we find difficulty to read as it is not optimized for mobile. Marketer should crucially analyze on mobile focus internet marketing if one wants to digitize brand. So, mobile search and mobile optimization should be given top priority.
3. High Quality Content
Content is always been “a king” of market. Well-crafted digital content will always have an interactive audience. Content marketing and video producing is now entered into cut edge competitive business. In this era of content marketing demand of niche and creative writers is going touch the sky. Strong base of content will aid in increasing to sales. Online story telling is vital part of this era.
4. Search algorithm
Whether we like it or not search algorithm is going to change again and again. Due to this change digital marketing is becoming volatile and turbulent. If one wants to get success in business of digital marketing agency one should be conscious about (SERPs) search engine result pages. Digital marketing should consider Facebook and google plus algorithm along with google algorithm. Only way to stay unique from competitors is being original and informative.
5. Social Media presence
Choosing right social media presence is crucial decision for any business. There are immense number of social media channels is ruling web such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Reddit, Instagram, Flicker, YouTube, Trepup and what not! Considering right platform by analyzing right audience is the key role of social media marketer. Social media has motive of creating conversation channels for websites, products or services. One can gather strong base of prospects through social media channels if Social media strategical plans are crafted accordingly.
Voice driven SEO, Going beyond viewability, Pop ups etc. are the supportive trends to digital marketing era. Beyond everything objectives of digital marketing should be clear. Periodic evaluation of ROI and sales should be made to check effectiveness of digital marketing campaign.