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Techniques that'll keep you away from malware and spam

Techniques that'll keep you away from malware and spam

Monday May 28, 2018 , 3 min Read


Fraudsters have used social networks as a platform for spreading malware and spam for a long time. Obtaining malware or running across certain types of spam is inevitable when using Facebook, the social network giant.

However, Artem Abgarian, the Semalt Senior Customer Success Manager, states that spam and malware can be avoided in many ways while using Facebook. Taking proactive measures can protect one from the greatest and latest Facebook malware and spam. Additionally, reporting the malware and viruses is useful in opposing such dangers on a social network platform.

Internet experts argue that at one point in time, emails were used by cyber crooks and hackers in spreading malware and viruses on the web. Presently, the popularity of social media like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, which accounts for more than two billion users across the globe, has made the task of sharing malware internet hackers extremely easy. 

For example, according to a recent study, Riverside researchers established that almost half of the 12000 Facebook participants were prone to malware and scam. This showed how easy internet crooks are capable of hacking any Facebook account. Most of the frauds during the research involved the old bait technique of offering gifts like "free iPhone" from a Facebook post.

How can a user recognize and prevent spam and malware on the Facebook platform?


According to internet specialists, the most difficult thing to decrypt while using Facebook messages is whether a message is from a friend or some fraudsters who have compromised someone's account. In this situation, internet users are forewarned against clicking any provided links that look suspicious. Often, the hacker-derived or bogus posts from Facebook subscribers contain links to external sites that request a victim to fill out or provide personal information. Additionally, such offers use keywords like Deal, Wow, OMG and Free. Facebook users must recall that the network allows all types of links to be posted without an initial filtering. This implies that hacked Facebook accounts or genuine account users can post shortened links that possibly redirect to a phishing or a malicious page.

Facebook, also contain tools, other than antispyware or antivirus that social network users can run on their devices to protect identities. Thus keeping or running an updated copy of antivirus or antispyware software is critical in the protection of your computer against malware and spam. Additionally, Facebook users are encouraged to get educated on techniques of avoiding malware on social networks such as Facebook. Facebook also has a "News" section to educate users on spam and malware. The section provides suggestions that users can use to protect their devices against malware.

How can a Facebook user report spam, malware or hacked account?

When a user suspects any post that contains spam or malicious links, they can report it to Facebook via security pages. Also, users can click "X" which appears at the top right of a post. Moreover, malicious videos and photos can be reported by clicking "Report Video" or "Report This Photo." Issues related account hacking can be reported at the Facebook's Security Section where such accounts are terminated instantly pending investigations.