5 Blogging Websites You Must Know To Share Your Content!
I was going through the Quora Feed yesterday, when a question grabbed my eyes. A passionate writer was apparantely searching for a good blogging portal where the content could be shared easily. This reminded me of my early days, when even I was unaware of the concept of 'Guest-Blogging'.
Therefore, I tried listing down a small list of good Blogging Websites where the amateur writers can start their journey of writing and sharing their content with the larger audience.
1- The Better India:
The Better India is an attempt to bring out the happy stories, the unsung heroes/heroines, the small good deeds, and showcase them to the world. At TBI, you get to read about the incremental progress being made by the people of this country, the developments happening on the social and economic fronts.

TBI gives you the opportunity if you have something really inspiring to talk about. All you need is to drop them an Email at [email protected] .
Visit The Better India to know more.
2- Tech In Asia:
Tech in Asia is a media, events, and jobs platform on a mission to build and serve Asia’s tech communities. They aim at bringing Asia’s tech communities closer together by fostering meaningful conversations online and offline. Tech In Asia provides you with the latest news and a platform to share your thoughts. All you have to do is to visit Techinasia and sign up. Once you sign up with the website, you can start sharing your content.

3- Infinity Speaks:
Infinity Speaks is a social Community for the reading hearts and the writing souls. In the web of recent uproars and talk of the town, they aim at making an impact — To get You Thinking.. From relatable stories to real life anecdotes, anything and everything you find here shall be aimed at striking the chords with your spirit. Be it your grey matter or red, they engage the whole of you.
You are welcome to Join the community as a Writing member or as a Guest Writer. Moreover, If you want them to write for you on a subject of your choice, or you want to promote your brand through blogs, you are at the right place. Visit Infinity Speaks and start blogging.

4- Niume:
Niume is the community driven blogging platform which helps you create beautiful posts with ease. It has a variety of spheres/categories including Animals, Lifestyle, Technology, Photography, Humour, Food, Fashion, Culture, Art, Business and much more. All you have to do is to visit Niume and join this beautiful community.

5- Your Story:
I have blogged on various websites and YourStory is one of them. Do I need to provide a verification of that? Well, it is one another amazing platform which gives you an unique audience. Simply visit yourstory.com and start your writing journey.