Everything that you must know about wireless paging devices
Paging could be divided into two categories: limited-range and wide-range.
Thursday April 06, 2017 , 3 min Read
Does the idea of pager give you painful flashbacks? If yes, then you are not alone. The invention of pagers or paging devices date back to the 1990s and almost all of us believe that they do not really have any use now. Somehow, our thinking is justified. I mean, in the present age of digitalization, when every layman possesses a cellphone, why would they need to use a pager to communicate? However, you would be quite surprised to know that even in the modern era, starting from finance, medical to entertainment and hospitality, some of the extensive and important sectors prefer to use pager. Why? Well, this innovation of the past does have some exceptional benefits.
Pager, unlike the cellphones, makes use of upgraded satellite technology and simulcasting method. These two advanced components make the device extremely reliable. It does not matter, if you are in remotest corner of the world, you would be able to send a message wherever you want. The same technologies enable rapid responses. So, issues of dropped calls, lost texts and network congestion, which we frequently associate with mobiles does not happen with the pagers.
In the following discussion, let us explore this device in details.
Pager: A Phenomenal Invention
The initial pager was not sleek like the present ones. It was invented in 1921 by Detroit’s Police Department. The next telephonic pager was invented by Al Gross, a designer of Canada, in the year 1949. Then there was the Handie-Talkie Pager in 1956. Some more innovations were made until the recent two-way pager made its first appearance in 1995.
A pager is made of some high-end units, which make it so exceptional and beneficial. Want to know the parts of the device? Take a look at the points mentioned below:
• Three rubber membrane buttons
• LCD display monitor.
• The primary circuit board.
• Removable flaps.
• Battery Connectors.
• 1.5 volt battery.
• A tiny electric motor or vibrator.
• A loudspeaker to hear voice messages.
Paging could be divided into two categories: limited-range and wide-range. The former is used when messages are sent to a small area. This kind is mainly used in the medical sectors during emergency situations, when doctors, nurses and medical personnel continuously interact with each other. The latter could be defined as a device, which has transmitters of optimal quality. It is used to send messages to extensive areas with large networks or a base with multiple consumers.
If you are planning to buy a pager, I would advise you to go for the Witoppager. This is an outstanding brand, which offers high-quality devices at an affordable price.