3 Ways Wearable Apps and AI Combine to Promote Well-Being

Since humans developed the first tools, efforts and time has been put into making devices and then finishing and re-finishing them to make them more ergonomic.
With continuous re-sizing, devices have moved from taking space on a tabletop into our bags and later into our pockets. Now, some devices can be worn around our wrists, upper arms, at our ankles and even on our faces.
But it's not only the size of this wearable technology that is of interest but at what levels these devices can help us and what is their future.
These devices are not merely for storing and computing data. With proper apps and machine learning, these devices are even capable of analyzing patterns in human behavior, movement, and moods even.
If this was not enough to woo, the next big wave of development is already about to hit us.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been of great importance in improving many aspects of our day-to-day lives. Whether it is the traffic prediction by Google Maps, booking a ride in Uber or whether it is the use of Autopilot in commercial pilots, AI has been easing our lives silently. AI Companies try to keep finding new ways to implement the technology into areas of our lives we did not even dream about.
AI is now making inroads into the wearables market.
But how is that implementation of AI will improve the utilization of wearable apps?
Through examples, let us discover how AI will enhance user experience through wearable applications:
1). Towards a Peaceful Heart, Mind, and Body:
Smartwatches and fitness bands are the new fashion statements. They are digital, and they look great. However, despite being an ornament, they are of much use specializing in the betterment of our lives. From counting how many steps we've taken to our running regime, and also logging our workout sessions, these trackers do all. With the personal data submitted, and the amount of activity done, how much more activity is required can be calculated. Through brainwave mapping, moods of a person can also be represented by the soothing chirp of a bird or by the violent gushing of the wind depending upon the state of mind.
Through AI, suggestions, and recommendations can be made for the user after inferring from the learning. The recommendations get presented as a trigger on the device itself or notification on the mobile device with which the tracker is synchronized. All these triggers can cumulatively work towards bringing back the human state to a normal and healthy level to an extent.
With aspects ranging from diet management, healthcare, personal training to meditation, it becomes overwhelming for any person to keep track of all or even one of those aspects properly. Since some apps do not monitor and record movements accurately, the focus must be on building apps with accurate monitoring. With proper app development and integration of AI, alerts can get developed for all possible events and recommendations, and the user receives adequate assistance.
2). Listen to the Coach:
Sports has always been a field where statistics and numbers play an essential part more often than not. For a long time, a limited set of data was accessible to crunch. Events occur during a game that is explainable with statistical probability. However, absence of certain elements and corresponding data not yet explored and charted ensured there was always something missing from the equation.
Wearable tech where sensors are embedded in the textile and a central unit collecting and transmitting the data has changed the game completely. With new data on stability, speed, impact, cadence, and movement pattern, AI algorithms can analyze a run in real-time. This data can not only help in evaluating a player’s efficiency but can also help in improving the technique and tactics along with the play.
This quantitative data and the correct interpretation of it can help uncap a player’s true potential. In team sports, such data will be more valuable as a behavioral pattern of a group can be analyzed as a single unit and suggestions can be made based on the analysis to improve the game of the entire team as a whole. An application that supports and records such quantifiable and assist in providing corrective measures as well can be a big game-changer.
3). Serving Security, Surveillance and the Social Aspect:
With the emergence of devices like smart glasses, there is a whole new horizon that can be taken advantage of by exerting AI. A facial recognition system governed by a sophisticated AI program can help tackle some real-life scenarios efficiently.
Imagine a team managing the security of a significant event and are checking all guests. With a smart facial recognition, security personnel wearing smart glass can access and scan the areas which are blind-spots for a fixed camera. The staff can get alerts in real-time if a face matches one on a blacklist or with a person of high importance. Incorporating such cognizance during patrolling or tactical sweep searched can eliminate mishaps avoiding unwanted casualties.
A similar device made for more everyday use can aid travelers to identify other people, let’s say a celebrity on a Hollywood walk merely passing by. People can be auto-tagged, and images can get posted on social media platforms taken from the bird’s eye view. With such a tech available one can not only have an enhanced experience but also evade missing on rare opportunities. An app supporting auto-tagging can help increase sociability in our lives. Whereas an application that allows face recognition software to cross-reference with the database to generate alerts can be highly useful in improving security measures and protocols.
Applications of AI are practically limitless. From personal lives, medical care, sports, surveillance to even our social lives, AI incorporated with the right wearable tech can enrich the living experience. With the appropriate wearable app, more big data can be made available and interpreted into a call for action through AI. Collaborating with innovative wearable app development companies inclined to integrate AI into their app solutions, we head unequivocally towards shaping a better tomorrow.