How to manage your work during pregnancy

Congratulations on the good news!!
A whole new world is waiting for you ahead.
Being a mother is a full-time job in itself.
But before that, you have a 9-month long pregnancy to manage.
Pregnancy comes with lots of ups and downs both mentally and physically.
And, if you are working, then managing it the proper way is very important and crucial, as it’s the question of your health and the baby too.
Although maternity leave is available, you still have a lot of time till you reach that point.
It’s definitely not easy, but neither is it as hard as it feels.
Here are a few tips that you can follow to make your pregnancy journey smooth while you continue to work.
Managing your work during pregnancy
Spread the news
Spreading the news doesn’t mean letting everyone in your workplace know it, but your boss and your teammates or immediate colleagues need to know this.
It is generally recommended not to tell anyone until the first trimester is over.
But when you are ready to let people know about the new change in your life, it should be your boss first.
You have to build confidence in him that although there is something new happening in your life, it will not change your productivity or efficiency.
You are still dedicated towards your work.
Your pregnancy is a part of you and not a burden on you.
Get your colleagues and teammates also with confidence, so that when required, they can also be available for your help and cooperate with you well throughout your journey.
Be honest with your Staff Members
Let them know how you’re feeling and what’s going on.
If you feel low or exhausted, then let them know it.
You might feel very bad in the morning hours due to the morning sickness.
Although the second trimester is not so easy as well, the third trimester is usually the hardest as you cannot move around in the office or bend down with the big body.
During this time of your pregnancy, talk to your co-workers and take their help.
Remember not every day is the same. So, don’t forget to take their favor when you are in need.
Get yourself prepared for both good days and worse days.
In the process of trying to be productive, don’t look over your health.
Take proper rest and eat at regular intervals.
Don’t take any kind of stress and try to be relaxed.
Regular breaks are to be taken at regular intervals.
If your work requires you to sit at your desk for long, then take a break and move around for a small walk at regular intervals. This will avoid numbness in your feet.
And, if you have to move around a lot in your work, then try to avoid standing for a long time and take proper and ample breaks and rest.
Set your priorities
Check what the priority is for the day.
Don’t try to do all the work in a single day.
Work only as much as it supports your health and comfort.
Too much stress or exertion is not good for you and the baby.
If someday, your health doesn’t allow you to work, then check for work from home options too, so that you can work as well as relax fully.
Having Snacks
Morning sickness is the worst thing!!
But, it doesn’t trouble you only during mornings or just in the first trimester (although they are supposed to be off after the first trimester).
It can usually happen at any time of the day or any time of the month and in any trimester.
They can be tackled by having a small number of healthy snacks at regular intervals.
Crackers, fruits or any easy to go snacks should always be available at your desk.
These snacks not only help to fight the morning sickness, but also relieves the small hunger attacks that are very much normal during pregnancy, and make you feel low.
It helps in boosting your energy levels.
Fight your stress
When you are at work, you are bound to get stressed at some point or the other, due to any work issue.
Such stress boosters can be tackled easily with regular parental yoga.
It relaxes your body and boosts your body level.
Deep breath, stressing exercise and brisk walk are the other ways to fight stress.
Being Comfortable
Wear clothes that make you feel comfortable. This is very important.
Both clothes and footwear should be soft and comfortable to make you move all day long without any hassle.
Much trendy maternity clothing is available these days; pick those that suit your body type and comfort well.
Fashionable office wears maternity dresses are on display with a lot of retailers recently.
You can even get them online.
Schedule your Appointments
Book your appointments in a well-planned way.
Get them either before or after your work.
And, if you can’t do so, or if your clinic is nearby, then try visiting during lunch breaks.
Make sure about the timings in advance while setting your appointments.
Office appointments or meetings and Dr. appointments should never coincide as you don’t know how much time each would take.
To be on the safer side and always have a record of all the nearby clinics, in case of emergency.
Final thoughts
By following the above simple tips, you can easily tackle your pregnancy and work together.
Remember it’s only you who knows well about your pregnancy, so be wise and decide everything well in advance. Be prepared.
Don’t forget to talk to your boss about your maternity leave.
Considering your current and future situation, decide how you want to set your maternity leave.
Talk to your spouse and decide, which maternity or fertility clinic you would like to get linked up for your pregnancy.
There are many well-established fertility clinic in Mumbai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chennai and many parts of India.
Do a thorough research about the hospital, their doctors, their reviews and experiences from other patients and go for wherever you feel comfortable with.
Your comfort level with the doctor and clinics or hospitals matter’s the most to your pregnancy journey easy and worthwhile.
Good Luck mommy-to-be!!