11 Things A Recruiter Needs To Know About Free Job Posting
Easiest Way To Hire Is Via Free Job Posting Sites

Easiest Way To Hire Is Via Free Job Posting Sites
Are you wondering whether you are making the right move by posting your job vacancy on a free job portal? There are millions of recruiters out there who are making use of it and finding it beneficial. Of course, there are some people who doubt its effectiveness and still stick to the traditional process of posting vacancies on newspapers.
This article will discuss everything you need to know about a free job posting site. It is entirely up to you to decide whether or not to use it after knowing all the facts.
Traditional method of job posting: Is it still an effective tool for recruitment?
Newspapers are one of the oldest means used by recruiters to hire employees, be it for driver jobs, accountant jobs or any other jobs. It is still an effective tool to target experienced and serious candidates but just how effective are they? Is it really worth to include them in your recruitment strategy?
Fewer people read the newspaper these days as everything can be found on the internet which is easier to access. The process of publishing can be slow and it limits the scope for the applicants. Talents can be anywhere and you can’t just afford to limit your search to your locality. Moreover, you can only say so much in a newspaper ad, especially if you are a startup and when each word you add costs you money.
Also, when you stick only to your website to post adverts for vacancies, the people who don’t follow or visit your website will not see them. in the process, you will miss out on lots of talents.
Free job posting sites are the recruiter’s go-to place for advertising vacancies
Why more and more recruiters are switching to free job posting? The right candidate is already out there. The hard part is pinning them down. Posting vacancies on job portals can help you find the right talent in a shorter time span with less cost, without the hassles. Here are 11 things you need to know about a free job posting as a recruiter:
1.Reach out to a wider audience - Posting your job on various portals will help you to reach out to a wide range of audiences. It gives you a better option rather than just sticking to your locality by posting on newspapers or limiting your job post to your website.
Advertisement is the key to make people aware of the vacancy you have. And only when you post your ads on online job portals, it will be seen by the huge number of people who use the internet to seek jobs. Nowadays, technology is such that job seekers just have to type find tailor jobs in Hyderabad in the search engine to ascertain whether there is a vacancy for the mentioned post in the desired city.
Since the internet can be accessed through tablets and phones it has become a huge market for both the job seekers and job providers to find talent. Smartphones are handy and can be carried anywhere. Also, you can buy it in any range so almost everyone has it. When you have a wider audience, there is a higher likelihood of filling up the vacancy soon, providing you a competitive edge over those companies who are still using traditional means to recruit talents.
2.Filter out the right talent for the vacancy - The recruiting process can be frustrating especially when you are receiving junk resumes that are of no use to your requirements. Change all that for good by using job portals to post your adverts.
When you sign up to job portals, you get access to their database that can help in filtering out the right talent for the post. It helps you to straighten out the process of hiring by connecting you with the right candidate. In case you want to hire employees for delivery jobs in Pune, you can narrow down your search by filtering out candidates with the right skills who have applied for the position. You just have to ensure to use the right keywords while posting your ad.
Some job portals help align candidates with recruiters based on compatibility. It is a unique approach that takes into account, not only the usual job search elements like location, salary, and position but much more. Thus, you're much likelier to land on a candidate who satisfies and rewards you.
3.Post job adverts and connect from anywhere on the go - The internet is accessible 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. You don’t have to wait for extra hours or days unlike you do for print media in order to post your ad. It is instant and can be done from the comfort of your home or a coffee shop or even while you are traveling. You can post an advert to hire accountant in Mumbai even when you are in Delhi or any other city for that matter.
You can also connect with your potential employees anytime by sending alerts, messages or emails. Further, you can discuss matters with your hiring team on the go without having to call up a meeting which takes up time and resources.
4.Save cost and time - If you are a startup wanting to hire drivers, cooks or delivery person, you will not want to spend money on advertising especially when there is a monetary constraint. Free job portals are a boon for startups and recruiters alike. Even if you are required to pay fees to access certain features on the portal or post a job, they are more affordable compared to print media and any job agencies that a company ties up with.
Job posting sites also help save your precious time. Once you post your job, you don’t even have to wait till someone applies for the job. In fact, you can start browsing and extracting the details of the candidate who have uploaded their resumes to find the right person for the job.
Every portal provides means to help recruiters and job seekers communicate such as email, message box, and phone numbers. It makes the task of recruiting achievable in less time. Who knows, you might even pick your candidate within the day that you posted your job.
5.Tracking is simpler with job posting portals - The job portals are not just for posting and closing the job vacancies. Rather, it is a one-stop portal where you can keep your applicants up-to-date with the current status without having to call them or receive their regular calls. There is no need to send hundreds of follow up emails.
6.Make more informed recruitment decisions - Recruiters usually want to know where the best talent is coming from as it allows them to make more informed recruitment decisions. Job posting sites provide you with the information you need to know concerning where the most talented applicants are coming from.
7.It is easy to use - You don’t have to be a tech pro to be able to post job advertisements on job posting sites. Most of the established job boards have designs that are so easy to navigate and understand. Almost anyone with an internet connection can post a job advertisement online.
Supposing you have used both the print media and job portal to advertise your vacancy of beautician job. Applicants are more likely to search beautician jobs online as the process is made simpler for the candidates too as compared to mailing CVs and written applications by post.
8.It’s flexible and durable - When you are online, you have the flexibility to control your posts and the applications you receive. In case you want to amend an advert you posted in newspapers, you have to pay the cost for an entirely fresh ad. But with online job posts, most of the portals give you the flexibility to edit, update or remove your job post whenever you wish.
You know how limited the lifespan of newspapers and other forms of print media are. Their lifetime is dependent on their publishing cycle. If you look at classified publications, most of them have a biweekly publishing cycle. It means that your ad will only be seen for that relatively small amount of time. Moreover, newspapers and magazines have very less value once they are read and quickly find their way to the litter bin.
When you make job postings online to hire delivery boys, cooks or tailors, they will stay live until you choose the right candidate and close the vacancy.
9.Make targeted job postings on free niche portals - There are plenty of free niche job boards that provide a simple way for companies to find strong job candidates. These portals are usually industry-focused and allow companies to post job openings for targeted candidates to locate them in one place.
Free niche job boards will allow you to fill more positions than generalist job boards. It is because candidates looking for a job in a specific industry such as blue-collar industry will come to that portal to seek employment. For instance, candidates looking for cook jobs in Delhi, tailor jobs in Pune or driver jobs in Hyderabad all visit Just.Jobs portal as it is a blue-collar niche job portal.
You can also browse the profiles of the potential candidates as, like generalist job boards, they provide the opportunity for candidates to showcase qualifications online.
10.But what about the competition? - Since almost every company is using online job portals to recruit people to fill up vacancies these days, there is a lot of competition. There is always a probability that your post can quickly be buried under a mountain of other job offers. What do you do in that case?
Many job portals ask you to pay an affordable fee for extra exposure. The fees are always lesser compared to charges made by newspapers or other print media. You can make a cost-effective investment to avoid the risk of not being seen.
11.Is paid ad always better? - Not necessarily. Many reputed free job boards perform well such as Indeed, Internshala, PlacementIndia, and others. Platforms like Just.Jobs allow you to make your first job posting for free. Thus, you can decide whether that platform is right for you going by your experience.
When it comes to paying more for exposure, it is dependent on many factors. Determine the urgency of the hire. If you want to make a quick hire, paying for a sponsored ad will help you find the candidate faster. Some roles are harder to fill up like senior roles for a certain post. You will often need to use a niche paid job board if you want to hire senior employees for a job.
Also, if there is continuous recruitment, you might want to pay for a job ad to keep it high on job board search results. When free job ads get old, their rank falls down as their top spots are replaced by newer posts. You can’t get it listed back at the top simply by re-posting the same job on the same job board.
By now, you must have come to the conclusion that free job posting sites offer more benefits than disadvantages. Some people might tell you that recruiting talents from online job portals is a tedious process as you will have to select from a lot of candidates. It is likely that you might end up getting applications from many unqualified job seekers. But you can always filter out the cream of the crop by using the site’s database. And using niche job boards to post your vacancies can target only serious, potential talents. Moreover, if you are a startup or trying to recruit employees on a limited budget, free job posting portals can be of great help. If you are not using the online job portals to reach out to candidates, you are missing out on a lot. People these days spend a lot more time on the internet than they do elsewhere.