How to become an expert of your subject
Have you got a chance to work on a highly specialized project? Does it feel like being fortunate to be selected for that dream project? You know that you have that basic knowledge to understand the basic concepts but lacks the expertise which is required to be known as an expert in that field. Every new project is like a new learning experience, there is so much to know and explore every time.
Here are few tips to gain that perspective and expertise in the area of your interest:

1. Take initiatives for yourself
When we are assigned any project, an immaculate effort is expected. It is not necessary to know everything beforehand, we can always take an initiative to learn the important aspects to complete it in a better way than expected.
Do not hesitate to accept the fact that you need to learn new skills or concepts to achieve your target. An unwavering desire to perform at par automatically leads us towards taking a responsibility for becoming well versed with all the notions.
2. Basics first
Take one step at a time. If we start studying something from an early age, we get well familiar with the know-how of that subject. But if we start learning something to fit ourselves into the changing requirements, it is quite possible that we might not be well versed with the basic concepts of that field.
In any case, start from the scratch. Take out the books of smallest standard where that subject or concept has been introduced first. No doubt it will be a pain to do all that hard work, but it is going to give an unimaginable edge to your knowledge base. As it is said that basic concepts are the most important because they lay a platform for a chance for further studies.
3. Don’t be afraid to ask questions
Studying only theory and not applying it for a practical outcome is a sheer waste of time. Try to practice the concepts practically where ever possible. Do not hesitate to ask about your doubts from an expert with more experience and knowledge.
Help from the internet can be taken or any scholar in that topic can be contacted for guidance. Discussing those concepts in online forums is also a good option to know more about it. The benefit of discussions is that they give multiple perspectives on the same issue, it helps to comprehend it better.
4. Attend workshops and conferences
One of the best ways to meet experts and speak to them face to face is attending workshops and conferences dedicated to your subject. What can be better than having an opportunity to meet the people who inspire you to get that immense knowledge first hand?
One more benefit of conferences is that they increase the energy levels by many folds by having a positive energy all around. That enthusiasm and passion is infectious and influences a person to become motivated and inspired. It is also a very good approach to expand your network with devoted and inspiring people of your subject.
5. Ardently dedicate a set amount of time daily
Steal time from where ever possible and dedicate it to learning and reflecting. Spending time judiciously definitely bear fruits of unmatched performance and actual proficiency. Block a definite amount of time every day and devote it to studies only. If sometimes you do not feel like studying something new, revise topics you have already studied. Time can be specified for studies when your mind feels fresh and ready to receive new information.
Specializing in any field needs a fair amount of hard work and toil. Consistency and perseverance are the keys to success, and nothing is impossible for the person who sincerely wants to learn.